PodcastThe Engineering People Show, Episode 32: Ben Adida


Treehouse for Teams
writes on October 1, 2018

Today, on Engineering People:

Ben Adida is VP Engineering at Clever, the leading K-12 education platform. His passion is using technology to empower individuals and level the playing field. Ben has extensive experience in identity, payments, voting technology, health IT, security & privacy, and Web architecture. He has developed free software for 20 years and Web software for close to 25 years. He is a Board Member at the non-profit Creative Commons.

Previously, Ben was Director of Engineering at Square, Director of Engineering at Mozilla, Research Faculty at Harvard Medical School/Children’s Hospital Boston and research fellow with the Center for Research on Computation and Society at Harvard. Ben co-founded three bootstrapped startups: ArsDigita (1998), OpenForce (2000) and Webdash (2005). He received his PhD from MIT’s Cryptography and Information Security group.

(Original episode released on October 1, 2018)


Show notes:

Ben on LinkedIn



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