CommunityTop 10 Student Favorite Tech Podcasts


Ryan Carson
writes on September 13, 2017

There are so many amazing podcasts these days, how does one even begin to choose? We recently asked our students on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook if they had to choose ONE tech podcast to listen to, what would it be? We got an overwhelming amount of responses (thank you to those who submitted!) so we’ve pulled 10  from the submissions that are more focused on what’s new in tech, the industry and the life of being a developer. In the next post, we will include a list of suggestions that are more language specific.

Before you check out the list, we also want to give a shoutout to the The Educate Yourself Show – a biweekly podcast brought to you by the team behind Treehouse. You can check out the full list of episodes here.

#01 Front End Happy Hour

A podcast featuring a panel of Software Engineers from Netflix, Evernote, Atlassian & LinkedIn talking over drinks about all things front end development.

#02 Hanselminutes

Hanselminutes Podcast is “Fresh Air” for developers. Scott interviews movers and shakers in technology in this commute-time show. From Michio Kaku to Paul Lutus, Ward Cunningham to Kimberly Bryant, Hanselminutes is talk radio guaranteed not to waste your time.

#03 ShopTalk Show

ShopTalk is a podcast about front end web design, development and UX. Each week Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert are joined by a special guest to talk shop and answer listener submitted questions.

#04 CodeNewbie

An interview style podcast that features a new guest each week to discuss the coding journey, finding a job, and more. This is a great one if you are new to coding as there is often great advice that will help you along your own journey.

#05 Too Embarrassed to Ask

Technology doesn’t need to be confusing, though too often it is. Do you have tech questions that you’re too embarrassed to ask? Kara Swisher of Recode and Lauren Goode of The Verge have the answers. Tune in to their podcast every Friday for straight talk about the latest gadgets and products. Submit your own questions in advance by tweeting them to @Recode with the hashtag #TooEmbarrassed, or by emailing

#06 CyberWire

The CyberWire Daily Podcast is a look at what’s happening in cyberspace. It provides a clear and concise summary of the news and offers commentary from industry experts as well as our Academic and Research Partners. We publish each weekday afternoon (in time for US East Coast drive-time).

#07 Programming Throwdown

Programming Throwdown attempts to educate Computer Scientists and Software Engineers on a cavalcade of programming and tech topics. Every show will cover a new programming language, so listeners will be able to speak intelligently about any programming language.

#08 Complete Developer Podcast

The idea for The Complete Developer Podcast came from several influences on both Will and BJ. Being new to the community, BJ enjoys listening to several podcasts about coding in general and specific frameworks and languages. Working with other developers Will has insight into issues that developers and the community as a whole deal with daily. While BJ brings a fresh different approach to topics, Will knows the issues most concerning their fellow developers. The Complete Developer Podcast is their attempt to give back and help out others, be they newbies like BJ or experienced developers like Will.

#09 The Changelog

A weekly conversation that gets to the heart of open source technologies and the people who create them. This show features in-depth interviews with the best and brightest software engineers, hackers, leaders, and innovators. Hosts Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo face their imposter syndrome so you don’t have to. This is a polyglot podcast. All programming languages, platforms, and communities are welcome. Open source moves fast. Keep up.

#10 Three Devs and a Maybe

Join us each week as we discuss all things software development. Frequently joined by a far more intelligent guest on the show’s topic, we by no means know everything, but love what we do. Topics range from daily developer life, PHP, frameworks, testing, good software design and our experiences using many other programming languages.


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6 Responses to “Top 10 Student Favorite Tech Podcasts”

  1. I love posts like this. I’m always looking for good podcasts, fun and useful blogs and people to follow on twitter that are interactive and make it more fun.

    Keep posts like this coming!

  2. One of my favorites is the Stack Overflow Podcast. The absolute hilarity that occurs in their studio is sure to bring you a laugh and a grin.

  3. Carlos Gómez Carrero on September 21, 2017 at 3:24 am said: it a really good podcast focus on dev, mobile, technology

  4. Another really top notch Podcast I’d recommend is WeAreLATech, they have lots of super interesting interviews with product owners.

  5. What was the sample size? Can I see the survey data behind this list? Thanks!

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