October 8, 2015 in Learn
We’re All Self-Taught
Humans, with our big brains, are built for one thing: learning. Having a brain like ours allows us to survive and adapt to many environments, including hostile ones. We’ve been to the depths of the ocean and to the surface…
October 5, 2015 in Learn
Asset Workflow for Game Art: Texture Mapping
In this post, I’ll describe my approach to texture mapping and outline the asset workflow that I use to go from a plain 3D model to a prop that’s ready for a game. If you’re new to making video games, you will…
October 1, 2015 in Learn
10 Reasons Your Website Needs to be Mobile Optimized
You’ve heard it before. Not once. Not twice. I probably can’t even count it on two hands. It’s no secret that mobile is here to stay. It’s no secret that businesses need to begin thinking about mobile users. But why?…
September 30, 2015 in Community
Justin Gained the Skills and Confidence to Quit His Job as a Waiter and Become a Full-Time Front End Developer
Justin wanted to start a business and every business needs a website, so he thought: why not learn how to build my own? He began learning from books and attended a community college, but to keep up with competitors, he…
September 28, 2015 in Learn
An Intro to Blender
What is Blender? No, this is not a post about kale shakes. I’m not talking about that type of blender, and I hope you won’t leave with a bitter taste in your mouth. I’m talking about the open-source 3D modeling,…
September 25, 2015 in Community
In Less Than a Year, Laurie’s Career Aspirations Became a Reality
Laurie’s personal interest with the web industry came from running WordPress sites using purchased themes and finding himself intrigued by how everything worked. He had no background in the web but reached a stage where he decided to embrace his…
September 24, 2015 in Learn
3 Steps to Better UI Wireframes
Creating sketches of a user interface, called wireframes, is often the first step in the design phase of a software or web project. Wireframing your software or website project may seem simple at first because of how easy they are…
September 22, 2015 in Learn
Asset Workflow for Game Art: 3D Modeling
In this post, I’ll outline the asset workflow that I use to model game props, like the old radio in the image below. If you’re new to making games, you will gain an understanding of some of the major concepts involved in modeling art assets. And if you…
September 15, 2015 in Learn
Keeping Up With Java
Java is one of those languages that you’ve probably met at some point or another. It’s everywhere. From large enterprise applications like Salesforce to introductory programming classes at university to Android apps on your phone, Java is like your reliable…
September 15, 2015 in Community
Ricky is a High School Senior With a Successful Freelance Web Design and Development Business
In his freshman year of high school, Ricky built a basic website for a friend running for class president. By the time he joined Treehouse, he still only had a basic knowledge of HTML but knew he wanted to master web…
September 10, 2015 in Learn
Creating Customized Shelf Buttons and Hotkeys in Maya LT
There are a lot of great 3D tools on the market today, but Maya remains the industry leader for game and broadcast production. Apart from its powerful and extensive toolset, one of the main reasons that Maya is so dominant…
September 10, 2015 in Learn
The Scrum Sniff Test
The “Smells” of Scrum Do you practice agile software development? Have you or your team ever had the feeling that something is just a little off? There may be clutter in your backlog or the feeling that you aren’t being…