Business ResourcesCode Oregon – 4,000 Spots Already Taken


writes on July 10, 2014

In just two weeks, four thousand people have signed up for Code Oregon, the partnership between Treehouse and Worksystems designed to get Oregonians skilled up to work in the tech industry. There are only 10,000 places available so spots are disappearing fast.

Code Oregon will help prepare and guide the next highly skilled and enthusiastic designers and developers towards filling the huge number of jobs that are being created. Treehouse will provide the quality online training that teaches high-demand programming languages, including iOS, Android, HTML, CSS, WordPress, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and more. Top students will then be identified and WorkSource will provide them with career services, mentoring, and additional training needed to guide them through the next steps towards being job ready.

Treehouse and Worksystems will host a 2014 Jobs Fair on November 18th in Portland, where top Oregon-based tech companies will interview qualified students for internships, mentoring, and junior developer positions.

Check out Code Oregon for details.


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3 Responses to “Code Oregon – 4,000 Spots Already Taken”

  1. Hey there my friend! I wish to point out that this informative article rocks !, awesome prepared and include just about all sizeable infos. I wish to discover more content this way .

  2. …and many of us still waiting to hear how existing (Oregonian) Treehouse students who want to sign up for/convert to CodeOregon can do so. Guys, all we’re hearing is deafening silence.

    • Hi James

      I’m really sorry! I thought I had responded. I’m afraid we’re not allowed to switch over your existing account 🙁 However you are still allowed to register with WorkSource and get all their services for free. I’m so sorry!

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