Career AdviceWriting a Junior Developer Resume


Kari Brooks
writes on November 14, 2023

Starting out in the tech world can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. One of the first challenges many junior developers face is crafting a resume that captures their skills and experiences. When writing a junior developer resume, it’s as much about presenting your skills as it is about showcasing that you’re eager, ready to learn, and will be an asset as an employee.

With these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to writing a resume that not just ticks the boxes but also tells your unique story.

Optimizing Your Resume

A recruiter will give your resume an average glance of 15 seconds. So, how can you ensure your resume stands out?

Keep It Simple

Ditch the fancy resume templates. Focus on clear headings, even spacing, and a legible font. Use the same font, bullets, and formatting throughout. Opt for bullet points and short sentences over lengthy paragraphs. Be concise, and steer clear of jargon just for the sake of it. Ensure there are no grammatical or spelling errors—they can be a significant turnoff for recruiters! And keep it to a single page, prioritizing relevance and conciseness over volume.

Highlight Your Potential

Remember, at this stage in your career you’re not expected to lead teams or design intricate systems. Recruiters are looking for potential and value. They want to see a foundational grasp of technology, a genuine passion and curiosity for tech, and a desire to learn. Highlight soft skills that emphasize your adaptability. Spotlight a moment of learning, an instance where teamwork was crucial, or a time when networking played a key role.

Tailor for the Role

Customize your resume for the specific role you’re applying for. If it’s a JavaScript developer role, emphasize your JavaScript-related experiences over, say, Python. If a job posting emphasizes a particular skill or tool, and you have experience with it, make sure it’s prominent on your resume. Ensure you include keywords from the job posting, as many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes.

Structuring Your Resume Smartly

Here are five smart steps to structuring a standout junior developer resume.

1. Start with a Strong Header

Your header should include your name, contact information, and a link to your professional online presence (like Linked In, a GitHub profile, and/or a personal website). Make sure it’s neatly arranged and easy to read.

2. Craft a Concise Objective

While some recruiters consider objectives optional, for a junior developer it can help set the tone. An objective includes a concise summary of who you are and states your current career goals and what you aim to bring to a prospective employer. The objective should appear just below the header.

3. Detail Your Projects and Experience

Use this opportunity to demonstrate to recruiters your proficiency in managing projects, your collaborative spirit, and your passion for technology and continuous learning. If you’ve built projects, even while learning, list them! For each project, provide:

  • Project title
  • A brief description of the project, including technologies/tools used
  • Result or impact (if any)

Link each project to your GitHub or its hosted URL. Before doing so, ensure your code is polished and professional. Your code is a reflection of your work ethic, knowledge, and skills. Just as you’d want your resume to be error-free and well-presented, your code should similarly reflect the best of your capabilities.

In this section, you can also showcase internships or relevant work experience. If you don’t have any, your personal projects can effectively demonstrate your skills and commitment.

4. Include Education and Professional Development

Even if your degree isn’t directly tied to tech, it’s worth mentioning. Many skills can be applied across fields, and showcasing a dedication to learning is appealing to employers. Include any relevant coursework, affiliations, or awards. Additionally, highlight any coding bootcamps, courses, or certifications you’ve completed. This reflects your enthusiasm and drive to keep learning.

5. Showcase Relevant Skills and Technologies

List the programming languages, tools, frameworks, and technologies you’ve used. Even if you consider yourself a beginner, highlight what you know. If you’ve only had exposure to a language or tool but haven’t built anything substantial with it, you can list it under a subheading like “Experience With.”

Depending on the role, you may want to list other relevant skills you have, even if they are not directly related to a technology. For example, if you’re bilingual and the job description mentions that bilingual candidates are preferred, add it to your resume.

Putting It All Together

Now that you have the building blocks, put it all together! The final product should be a clear, concise, and targeted representation of your professional journey, ready to make a great first impression on potential employers.

Make sure formatting and spacing is pleasing to the eye, and proofread every word meticulously to eliminate any errors. Consider getting feedback from a friend, mentor, or professional in your field as a final step.

Even as a junior developer, you have a lot to offer. Your resume is a reflection of your journey, skills, and passion for tech. By following these simple steps, you have crafted a resume that not only captures your essence but also grabs the attention of potential employers, demonstrating your eagerness and ability to learn and contribute.

Meet with a Career Advisor at Treehouse

Before you start writing a junior developer resume, head over to Treehouse’s Career Toolbox, where you’ll find an editable resume template designed for entry-level developers. The Career Toolbox Track was designed to guide you through the process of resume writing, building essential skills, and increasing your employability. And, best of all, you’ll get the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one meeting with a Treehouse Career Advisor to look over your resume, discuss interviewing strategies, and much more.

Best of luck in your job hunt!

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