Treehouse NewsThe Treehouse Show is Ending

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writes on July 13, 2015

The Treehouse Show is coming to an end. Episode 149 will be available tomorrow, and the final episode will be available on Tuesday, July 21st, 2015. Here’s an announcement video that announces this announcement.

After 150 episodes shot over 3 years, Jason and I have decided that it’s time to bring the show to an end. Are we retiring to a nice summer home together in Vermont? We’re not ruling that out. However, we will still continue to do our thing at Treehouse and release new Courses and Workshops. If you’d like to follow us on Twitter, I’m @nickrp and Jason is @jseifer. And of course, if you’d like to go back and revisit old episodes, here’s The Treehouse Show playlist on Youtube.

We’d like to thank everyone that’s watched over the years. We had a great time doing the show and it wouldn’t have been possible without all of our amazing viewers. Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you on the Internet!



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32 Responses to “The Treehouse Show is Ending”

  1. Treehouse plans:

    Basic – $25
    Pro – $49
    Premium – $99 (Pro plans with Threehouse Show) πŸ™‚
    Techdegree – $199

    Nick and Jason …. please come back!!!!

    • Susan Mandel on February 13, 2018 at 1:01 pm said:

      hello I am looking for old treehouse show from late 90’s to early 2000 I have a son who would real love to find them on t.v or buy them on DVD
      I have not be able to find anything hoping you may help me out please forward anything you find to my email
      Thanks Susan

  2. Trump is president we need this show to push coding into the new generation

  3. Dave Huish on January 22, 2016 at 3:57 pm said:

    The Treehouse Show provides a great values to the member subscription. PLEASE ADD IT BACK!

  4. I love you guys! You can’t go! No! Please!!! (cries)

  5. Adrian Doyle on July 25, 2015 at 12:01 pm said:

    Sorry to see the show end. The was awesome and the hosts were the best. Fair play to ya

  6. That’s not cool. Yours was the only channel on youtube I can say that I watched every episode. Team Treehouse should make this show part of your contract, I mean it’s that good. I’ll miss it for sure.

  7. The treehouse show was awesome.
    Great news and terrible puns (read great).

    Thank you for the episodes guys.

  8. Hire some funny interns, let them continu the show! Show must go on!

  9. I am really going to miss the show πŸ™ Thanks guys for the last few years. The videos were a great resource and the jokes … well, best left unsaid.

  10. What a loss, when I started with Treehouse this is one of the things I found as a staple. I looked forward to Tuesday with the duo! My Tuesday Lunch break will never be the same!

  11. Jens Hagfeldt on July 21, 2015 at 9:02 am said:

    So sad that your show is coming to the end. Your show has been great to watch and keep up with all thats happening in the web industry. I have also often laughed at all the silly jokes you offered! You’re both truly great at inspire us on the other side of the screen and I hope we all can continue to see you in courses and workshops for years to come. Thanx a ton!

  12. Charles Davis on July 20, 2015 at 2:18 pm said:

    I’ll really miss this show. Y’all are hilarious and it kept me interested in learning to code when I first started (coincidentally 3 years ago). I have since become a lead developer at an ad agency and have kept up with the show from the very start. …as an aside, the ‘HTM-HELL’ trailer y’all did one Halloween season was genius!

  13. Awww no, horrible news!! Thank you so much for all your hard work, time and effort you put into the show. You will be missed! πŸ™

  14. Awww man, I love this show. πŸ™

  15. Good luck in making Neptune Flux, Nick! =) Can’t wait to see it come to life.

  16. NOOOOO!!!! Please! We love the Treehouse show! I get like 90% of my reading material and inspiration from that show! Plus, Nick and Jason are fantastic hosts! =(

  17. So sad πŸ™ hair like this! I hope watch more time but … πŸ™

  18. Oh! No this can’t be true we want Treehouse Show please

  19. Omar Zeidan on July 14, 2015 at 11:59 am said:

    Ohhh, nooo, I am gonna miss this πŸ™
    Front end advancing never ends, and we do really love your show, and used to it.
    But I am sure your are busy enough and have other things to do, but we hope you can change your mind.

    Best and thank you for the awesome show.

  20. Jeremy on July 14, 2015 at 9:28 am said:

    That’s awfull. I really enjoyed the Treehouse Show.

  21. Oh man. Such a bummer. I loved that show. So many useful tidbits of information. You guys really did a great job. I, and many of my colleagues enjoyed this show through the years.

  22. No! You can’t stop! I love that show. How else will I see Nick’s beautiful face?

  23. Really enjoyed the shows each week! Going to miss those awkward jokes.

  24. Bummer, where are we going to get our dose of web humor???

  25. Sad to see the show go! I appreciate and value the time and energy you and Jason devoted for all this time.

  26. I’ve enjoyed all your videos over the last couple of years. It has had a profound impact on my career as a web developer and I will always be grateful for that.

  27. Damn son πŸ™ And it ain’t April 1 ;(

  28. Noooo! I’m going to miss the show, it’s been great watching it. Will there be anything planned down the road that is similar? Thanks for all the awesome content, it was a good run.

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