Treehouse NewsTreehouse Is Now a Google Developers Authorized Training Partner


Londa Quisling
writes on May 30, 2017

We’re excited to announce Treehouse has officially been approved as a Google Developers Authorized Training Partner. With our extensive and in-depth Android content, you can learn the programming skills you need to prepare for the Google Developers’ Associate Android Developer Certification exam.

What is an Associate Android Developer?

The Associate Android Developer Certification was introduced by Google Developers in May 2016 as a global program recognizing developers who have reached a level of proficiency in Android programming. This certification is widely recognized and considered a valuable achievement for any Android developer to have on their resume.

Google has authorized Treehouse to deliver high-quality Android training using our expert teachers and custom curriculum to teach you the valuable skills needed to prepare for the Android Certification exam. You also don’t need any previous coding experience to enroll in the Android Development Techdegree; we’ll help you build the foundation, knowledge and advanced skills needed to confidently pass the exam and send you on your way to becoming an Android developer.

What makes learning Android with Treehouse different?

Our Android content has been carefully reviewed and put through a rigorous audit process by Google Developers. This means that Treehouse Android courses cover all of the core competencies you’ll need to prepare for the Google Developers’ Associate Android Developer Certification exam. We’ll help you improve your skillset and guide you towards becoming a proficient Android developer.

Learn the skills you need to prepare for Google’s Associate Android Developer Certification Exam


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16 Responses to “Treehouse Is Now a Google Developers Authorized Training Partner”

  1. Juan Francisco Andrade on August 23, 2017 at 4:56 pm said:

    HI, this is great news!
    Just a question:
    The certification exam is taken on line, or is it available for US only?

  2. Hi Londa,

    First of congratulation to team tree house for becoming an authorized training partner by Google developers. Is there any direct link for the list of courses. I would love to see which courses you guys are offering for developers.

  3. Malcolm Shingirai on June 8, 2017 at 7:22 pm said:

    Yaaay! Am happy and proud for treehouse. Am taking an android course with them, they have great videos which make learning easy and fun. Well done Ben and Ben, lol.

  4. yogaboy on June 8, 2017 at 1:25 pm said:

    sound fun. I used to love Ben’s course… but it is a long way. Last year TTH did not produce a android course what would happen for something. No MVVM, no databindig, no java rx2, no kotlin …. sorry but in 2017 offer course with butterknife? 🙁

  5. Ghazi on May 30, 2017 at 4:52 pm said:

    This’s a great news.Treehouse is a great and also fablous platform for learn Coding and programming. I’d like to ask you a question about Front End track.Front End Dev TechDegree can be verified with Google?

  6. How much time is needed to accomplish this techdegree?

    • Ben Deitch on May 30, 2017 at 3:16 pm said:

      It mostly depends on how much time you’re able to commit to the Techdegree. However, a good ballpark would be between 3 and 12 months.

  7. Colton I on May 30, 2017 at 2:12 pm said:

    I’ve been following treehouse for the past 6 months and it seems like there’s a ton of content released for iOS and in the pipeline for iOS. seems pretty barren for Android topics. Any plans to churn out more content?

  8. Awesome news! 🙂

    What does this mean in practice? Do you sign up for a tech degree via the Google program? Or does the techdegree on Treehouse qualify you automatically. 🙂

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