August 1, 2014 in Learn
How Do Kids Learn Tech?
Hi, my name is Joy. Let me tell you a little bit about what I do. I’m a school teacher. After a rousing school year in my 5th grade our class gathered for the last circle of the year. We…
July 7, 2014 in Community
Interview: Game Designer – Jake Fleming
I recently sat down with Jake Fleming, the game designer behind Grilly the Cheese, Hot Shot Santa and Don’t Eat People. Jake was kind enough to give us a glimpse into his process and show us a bit of his work….
June 2, 2014 in Learn
The 2014 Guide to Responsive Web Design
(Image from Flickr user Davidd) Responsive web design has changed a lot over the last few years. Front end development teacher, Nick Pettit updates you on all that’s changed when it comes to making websites work on mobile devices. Responsive…
April 23, 2014 in Learn
An Introduction to Perceived Performance
(Illustration by Mat Helme, Treehouse) Perceived Performance Is a Measure of How Quick a User Thinks Your Site Is, and That’s Often More Important Than Its True Speed Performance is important. It can mean the difference between making a sale,…
April 16, 2014 in Learn
Designer Meng To’s Writing Adventure Stemmed from Denied Visa
In 2013, Meng To was enjoying the startup life in Silicon Valley while lending his web design talents to Heyzap, a mobile game developer. Until his request for a new visa was denied. The Cambodian-born web designer and developer from…
March 19, 2014 in Learn
Exploring the JavaScript Device APIs
Photograph by Jeremy Keith (adactio) The mobile revolution has completely changed how people access the web. It’s only natural then that the web should evolve to better suit the plethora of devices on which it’s now accessed. When the web…
February 26, 2014 in Learn
Uploading Files with AJAX
The introduction of AJAX marked a huge leap forward in the history of the web. The ability to communicate with a web server without reloading the page has revolutionised how web applications are built. The primary technology that enables AJAX…
February 26, 2014 in Learn
How to Make a Website
We have just released a brand new project that teaches you how to make a website! This project focuses on building a portfolio website from the very beginning. If you’ve never built a website before and you have no coding…
February 17, 2014 in Learn
Hit the Reset Button on Gamification
Building apps is complicated. There’s planning, design, development, deployment, customer service, marketing, legal considerations… Yikes! There are also many additional layers of pervasive challenges: How do you keep people engaged? What’s the best way to onboard new users? To navigate…
February 6, 2014 in Learn
Optimizing Mobile Web Apps for iOS
When I was looking through the analytics data for a product I recently launched I was taken aback by just how much mobile traffic the web app was getting. After seeking some feedback from users it became clear that people…
January 23, 2014 in Learn
Product Analytics 101
Feedback loops are an essential component in product development because these loops provide regular opportunities to learn and adjust the product to have better fit. Qualitative feedback loops enable you to better understand your customers. Prototyping is another powerful feedback…
December 31, 2013 in Learn
How to Keep Up with the Web Industry
It can feel impossible to stay up to date with the latest news and information in the web industry. It seems like every week there are new front-end frameworks, new JavaScript projects, new must-have apps, and so much more. How…