March 18, 2013 in Learn
Writing Your Own jQuery Plugins
jQuery is great. It’s cross-browser, easy to learn, and makes adding interactivity to your website a breeze. It also comes with plenty of plugins to do almost whatever you need it to do. But what if you can’t find just…
February 28, 2013 in Learn
Creating Vanity URLs in PHP and MySQL: Query String Variables
Vanity URLs can be extremely useful, especially in offline marketing materials. I covered two techniques for creating vanity URLs in PHP in earlier posts: using a subfolder with a header redirect and using rewrite rules in Apache. After publishing those two posts, someone…
February 21, 2013 in Learn
Adding Motion into Web Design with Animate.css
Lots of frontend web developers have been getting interested in dynamic interfaces using motion effects. This is all too common with many advancements within popular JavaScript libraries. But there has also been a lot of interest in CSS3 animated effects….
February 20, 2013 in Learn
Create an Absolute Basic Mobile CSS Responsive Navigation Menu
In this tutorial we will go over the process in coding a very basic CSS responsive navigation menu. We will transform a basic non-list style navigation to a drop down menu using media queries in our stylesheet. There’s no need…
February 15, 2013 in Learn
Building a jQuery Sticky Sidebar Navigation Menu
There have been countless efforts in creating a dynamic set of codes for sticky sidebars. Most commonly this effect is used on blogs or magazines with fixed social media sharing badges. You may notice the effect here on Treehouse Blog,…
February 13, 2013 in Learn
SVG Path Animation with jQuery and Illustrator
As technology in the web moves forward we are offered new tools to build amazing web applications. Scalable Vector Graphics or SVG’s have been gaining traction in the past year or so as most browsers handle the image file extension…
February 11, 2013 in Learn
Creating Vanity URLs in PHP: Rewrite Rules
Vanity URLs can be extremely useful, especially in offline marketing materials. I covered how to create a subfolder with a header redirect in my last post; that’s the easiest way to get a vanity URL up and running on a…
February 7, 2013 in Community
Dean's List: Graham Davidson
The Treehouse Dean’s List is where we highlight some of our extraordinary members in the community and share with the world people who are passionate about learning, bettering themselves and making a difference. This edition of the Dean’s List features…
February 6, 2013 in Learn
Speeding Up Page Load Times
The average size of a web page has been growing at an accelerating rate over the last few years. Research carried out by HTTP Archive in January reports that the average page size has now hit 1.25mb. For users with a…
February 1, 2013 in Learn
Find Your Dream Job in 3 Steps
A big part of our mission at Treehouse is to help our members start new careers in the tech industry. Our curriculum focuses on job-ready skills that are applicable to the real-world, and if members are interested, we’ll help them…
January 31, 2013 in Learn
Creating Vanity URLs in PHP: Subfolders and Header Redirects
Every page on a website has a unique web address that appears in the address bar when someone visits the page in a browser. These web addresses are known as URLs. (This stands for “uniform resource locator,” but that’s not…
January 29, 2013 in Learn
Create a Themable Button Set with Sass
If you have yet to give Sass a try, don’t worry, this is a good place to start. And if you haven’t already read Andrew’s primer on Sass, give it a read for a better understanding of what we’ll be…