August 14, 2009 in Learn
The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
Unfortunately there is a lot misuse of GET over POST and vice versa. Both HTTP methods can achieve the same goals, but an incorrect choice between them can lead to unexpected and potentially harmful outcomes. So, to make sure we…
April 10, 2009 in Learn
How to build mobile widgets
If you’re a web developer or designer, there’s a really exciting development happening right now called ‘mobile widgets’. Carsonified is working with Betavine to spread the word about mobile widgets, so we recently spent four days building one in order…
January 20, 2009 in Learn
How to Create an RSS-Enabled, Micro-Blog with Twitter
Have you ever wanted to create a simple multi-person blog, but didn’t want to bother setting up an entire WordPress installation? If so then we’ve got just the answer. By combining Twitter Search, Atom feeds, hash-tags and PHP, you can…
October 29, 2008 in Learn
Sell Your Web App: Lessons I Learned From Selling DropSend
We just sold DropSend, a little web application that we built some three years ago. Basically, the app enables users to send large files easily, rather than emailing them. It’s been profitable from the start, but I decided to sell…
August 7, 2008 in Learn
How to Debug in PHP
Nobody enjoys the process of debugging their code. If you want to build killer web apps though, it’s vital that you understand the process thoroughly. This article breaks down the fundamentals of debugging in PHP, helps you understand PHP’s error…
March 5, 2008 in Learn
Coding for the mobile web
Introduction Good evening — in this article I will aim to demystify the world of mobile web development, or in other words, developing web sites so that they will provide an acceptable user experience on mobile devices. I’ll run through…
July 2, 2007 in Learn
5 Ways to Optimize AJAX in Ruby on Rails
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.– Arthur C. Clarke When Google first unveiled GMail, then GMaps, a firestorm of interest and activity was generated — not just in those Google applications, but the technologies that powered them. These…
March 22, 2007 in Learn
Setting & Retrieving Accesskeys with JavaScript and DOM
There are some things in the world of accessibility that appear, on the face of it, to be really wonderful ideas… until you scratch slightly below the service. What may seem feasible when putting together some guidelines on accessibility might…
August 25, 2006 in Learn
Add Microformats Magic to your Site
Think back to when you first began using the web. It might be a couple of years, probably five, ten or even more. How did you use the web back then? More likely than not, you searched using Google, or…
May 7, 2006 in Learn
The Foundations of Ruby Arrays
An array is a list of items in order (like vitamins, minerals, and chocolates). Those keeping score at home might be interested to know that the Rails website framework makes 771 calls to Array.each, 558 calls to, and 1,521…