November 5, 2014 in Learn
Eight Reasons You Should Learn Java
Let’s get one thing clear: learning how to program opens up endless opportunities and has endless benefits. You can learn it from the comfort of your own home, the job market wants and needs you, and it’s fun. Now, there…
October 31, 2014 in Community
Miriam Went From Architect to Full-time Front-end Developer
It was love at first sight for Miriam when she first experimented with coding in the architecture office where she worked. Seeing an opportunity to apply her design skills and perspective in a new way, Miriam continued to embrace her…
October 27, 2014 in Learn
Operator Overloading in Python
Operator Overloading in Python Python is an interesting language. It’s meant to be very explicit and easy to work with. But what happens when how you want or need to work with Python isn’t just what the native types expose?…
October 22, 2014 in Learn
Real-Time 3D on the Web
When you watch an animated Pixar movie, the 3D graphics are extremely detailed and realistic because they’re “pre-rendered”. Each frame may have taken many hours or days for the computer to render and then later you watch those rendered frames in…
October 20, 2014 in Career Advice
What Employers Are Looking For in a Junior Rails Developer
Part of my job as the Ruby teacher for Treehouse is to stay on top of what employers are looking for when hiring people to fill Ruby and Rails positions. The landscape changes often but below are some of the trends…
October 13, 2014 in Learn
Cutting-Edge CSS Features You Can Use Today
The last wave of new CSS3 features introduced in-browser design features like border-radius, gradients, multiple backgrounds, and box-shadow. CSS continues to evolve and today’s native features are becoming closer to tools we’d normally use in our favorite graphics editor. In…
October 10, 2014 in Community
After Just 6 Months Learning Nick is a full-time Web Developer
23 year old Nick Bryan’s interest in the web came from a desire to learn how something we use everyday, and often take for granted, is both designed and implemented. When Nick then found himself, with a background and degree…
October 6, 2014 in Learn
Tips to Get Your Child Coding
Does your child read fluently? Can they distinguish between a paragraph, title, and author in a document or story? Can they type without tears? If you’ve answered yes to all of these questions, your son or daughter is ready to code. Here…
September 25, 2014 in Community
Interview: Type Designer Mattox Shuler
I recently interviewed Mattox Shuler, a type designer who runs Fort, his type foundry. Mattox was kind enough to talk to me a bit about his journey to becoming a full-time type designer and his new Treehouse course. MS: Mattox, let me start…
September 12, 2014 in Learn
Work On An Existing Rails App
Throughout the course of your Rails career, you’re bound to have to work on an existing Rails application. If you’re doing consulting, this can be a process you have to go through time and time again in order to get…
September 8, 2014 in Learn
Customize Ordered Lists with the ::before Pseudo- Element
Web browsers let you customize the look of most aspects of a page using CSS. But when rendering some page elements, web browsers are resistant to your styling efforts. For example, form elements like select menus, radio buttons and checkboxes…
August 4, 2014 in Learn
How to Use MiniTest
MiniTest is the preferred method of testing in Ruby 1.9.3 and up. Ruby is currently at version 2.1.2, so if you haven’t taken a look at MiniTest just yet, I recommend checking it out. There are some compelling features of…