July 26, 2013 in Learn
Creating Reusable Markup with The HTML Template Element
Templates are one of the key tools at any developers disposable. They make it easier for us to build complex websites that are maintainable and easy for other developers to understand. With the exception of a few JavaScript frameworks, most…
July 19, 2013 in Learn
50 Homepage Website Layouts using Featured Details & Icon Lists
The trend of icon detail lists has be rising very quickly but silently. I have not seen many other designers writing about this topic, and my hope is to shed light onto the trend with some beautiful examples. Generally startups…
July 18, 2013 in Learn
Working with Shadow DOM
As developers, we often need to create widgets for interfaces that make it easier to accomplish certain tasks. These might be sliders for controlling video playback, calendar pickers for selecting dates or any other number of other useful widgets. The…
July 18, 2013 in Learn
CSS Tip: A Better Clearfix with Sass
The CSS clearfix has been a must-have in our web design toolkit for quite some time and, until new layout features like flexbox become more stable, we’ll always need some form of clearfix in float based layouts. There are several…
July 16, 2013 in Learn
Building Your Ecommerce and Design Business with Shopify
Let’s be honest, you are probably reading this blog because you are a user of Treehouse or thinking about becoming one. You have a thirst for web knowledge and a desire to become better at what you do – right?…
July 8, 2013 in Learn
CSS Tip: Better Rounded Borders
We’ve all used border-radius in our designs to round the corners of images, divs, navs, etc. But have you ever noticed what happens when a thick border is added to an element with a border radius? As we learned in…
July 5, 2013 in Learn
Build a Gmail-Style Expanding CSS3 Navigation Menu
Users of GMail should be familiar with sliding effects of the inbox side navigation. In the most recent design you will find the GChat/Hangouts box along with other various email tags(inbox, trash, etc.). When you have a large number of…
July 3, 2013 in Learn
Triggering CSS Animations with Sibling Selectors
Combinators describe the relationship between CSS selectors, and they’re commonly used to combine two or more selectors into a more specific selector. Examples of combinators are the greater-than sign (>), plus sign (+), and tilde symbol (~). If you’ve ever worked with descendant selectors,…
July 2, 2013 in Learn
Creating Packaged Apps for Google Chrome
Creating Packaged Apps for Google Chrome In this tutorial you are going to use the To-Do application that you created in ‘Create Your Own To-Do App with HTML5 and IndexedDB‘. If you haven’t already built this application you might want…
June 25, 2013 in Learn
Creating Something Out of Nothing
The reason I got into programming in the first place was to be able to build my own things. I had an itch to scratch and I went from there. I created something out of nothing with nothing more than…
June 24, 2013 in Learn
Startup Design Examples of Login Forms and Signup Pages
There are plenty of great startup websites using signup forms to capture early users. Both email newsletters and user accounts are two methods for bridging new people into your startup. A crucial aspect to a successful registration form is the…
June 12, 2013 in Learn
Fixed Headers and Navigation Bars Used in Web Design
The trend of fixed heading styles in web design has grown exponentially in recent years. I have read a lot of criticism, both for and against these techniques, and generally it boils down to personal preference. Lots of designers have…