March 29, 2017 in Learn
Slaying the Dragon: Imposter Syndrome
Another day, another new JavaScript framework. And another person on your team who is somehow already an expert on it. How does everyone else keep up in the ever-changing world while you feel like you’ll never know nearly enough? When…
March 28, 2017 in Career Advice
Want to Attend a Conference? How to Make It Work for You.
You have heard a lot of great things about attending a conference, and how it can boost your career, so you decide to give it a try. But people face the same kind of roadblocks in attending conferences as they…
March 22, 2017 in Learn
Scheduling Work with the JobScheduler
Android Lollipop was a huge milestone for Android. It introduced us to Android Wear, gave us a do-not-disturb feature, and unleashed material design upon the world. Not only that, it also gave us Project Volta, a set of changes aimed…
March 17, 2017 in Learn
An Introduction to React Native
React is a framework created by Facebook for data driven web interfaces. React provides a component driven architecture which uses a declarative syntax and is easily extensible. So what is the difference between React and React Native? React was originally…
March 6, 2017 in Treehouse News
Treehouse Partners with Microsoft for the Release of Visual Studio 2017
On March 7th and 8th, Microsoft will host a special online event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Visual Studio and the release of Visual Studio 2017. Day one (3/7) will feature keynotes from Julia Liuson, Brian Harry, Miguel de…
March 2, 2017 in Learn
VR Performance Guidelines for New Unity Projects
VR performance is the bedrock of a great room-scale VR experience. Headsets like HTC Vive and Oculus Rift both run at a 90Hz refresh rate (in their current incarnations), meaning that the framerate of your Unity project needs to stay…
February 20, 2017 in Learn
Scheduling Time-Sensitive Tasks in Android with the AlarmManager
In Android, the AlarmManager lets us schedule work to happen at a specific time. If your app has work to do and you’d like it to do that work even when the app isn’t running, then the AlarmManager might be…
February 6, 2017 in Learn
Factor Learning to Code into Your 9-5
If you’re reading this, you’ve likely already decided why you want to learn to code. But whether your goal is to level up your existing career, embark on a new one, or simply work on a side project, you’re probably…
February 3, 2017 in Learn
3 Misunderstandings about Code Review That Are Slowing You Down
As a team member at Treehouse, I do a lot of code review. In fact, I have reviewed over a thousand Techdegree student projects, I frequently review my coworker’s code, and I even occasionally make a pull request on a…
January 31, 2017 in Learn
8 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Conference This Year
You’ve decided to attend a technical conference this year. You’ve reviewed the options and have selected the perfect conference for yourself. Congrats! But it’s difficult to take time out of your schedule and money out of your budget to attend…
January 30, 2017 in Treehouse News
Join Us & Take Part in the #15MinChallenge
Whether you’re new to coding or working on expanding your skills as a developer, we’re all faced with the challenge of deciding when and how to fit learning into our busy day-to-day lives. But what would you say if we told…
January 26, 2017 in Learn
Evaluating a Package for Your Project: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
This article is specifically for people who are evaluating packages for their project. I will occasionally mention PHP specific technologies, but most of what is cover here should apply to any language you use. If you’d like to learn more…