CommunityNejc Transitioned from Electrical Engineer to Front End Developer


Mary McPherson
writes on December 2, 2015

Nejc Vukovic has a long-standing appreciation for the Internet, but in recent years the endless career opportunities in the web industry began to really capture his attention. He became increasingly intrigued by the evolution of web design and development, and eventually made the decision to expand his knowledge and learn to code.

Nejc was an electrical engineer at the time and sought out Treehouse as the learning resource he’d rely on to learn to code. After dedicating the following months to learning and sharpening his skills, Nejc was confident enough to apply for job and landed a position as a Front End Developer.

Through dedication, Nejc has successfully equipped himself with an entirely new skill set and is now embarking on a career in an industry he’d aspired towards only a year ago. Nejc is now looking forward to being part of a talented team of developers and his future on the web.

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What first drew you to the web industry?
The first thing that drew me to the web industry was simply the Internet itself. I’d been using the Internet for a long time and then about a year and half ago it just hit me. Why on earth had I not considered the web industry?

Whilst using the internet, I noticed changes taking place as beautiful websites were appearing and further inspired me to decide; Why the hell not? The question stuck in the back of my brain like a seed, which sprouted into a small tree that will sooner or later have a house on it somewhere in the branches.

What work were you doing when you first joined Treehouse & what encouraged you to learn with us?
My first experience with Treehouse was at the time when I was working as an Electrical Engineer. This sprouted my interest in the web industry and I began searching for options to gain more knowledge. I was looking through different solutions to learn online and arrived at Treehouse. Before the free trial was over I was hooked.

You recently landed a position as a Front End Developer. Tell us a little about how your career has evolved since learning with Treehouse and the work you’ll be doing in your new position.
My new job title will be Front End Developer. It’s so sweet to say that. I’ll be a part of a team of Back End and Front End Developers in a company that’s making it’s way forward in Network Security. I’ll be dabbling with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Node.js; the list goes on.

What has the value of a Treehouse education meant to you?
All my thanks and praise goes to Treehouse. Treehouse helped push me in the right direction, even before I knew that this was the direction I wanted to take. The meaning and value of the Treehouse education is, in my opinion, immeasurable and priceless!

What are your plans for the future, and what’s up next on your learning path?
My learning path will stay with Treehouse and their courses and I’m strongly considering taking part in any opportunities to further my skill set.

I also look forward to continuing as a Community Moderator. Helping others with their problems is rewarding and teaches me new things at the same time. On top of this, I’m also picking up new skills at work every day.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with new students who are just starting out?
For all the new blood out there I’d like to give the following advice: stay on track, never stop learning, use Treehouse for a strong guiding point, be knowledge hungry and never give up on your dreams!

To read more awesome student success stories, check out the Treehouse Stories Page.


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5 Responses to “Nejc Transitioned from Electrical Engineer to Front End Developer”

  1. Welcome on-board Nejc! 😉

  2. Thanks Jason.

    Well I have a computer science and electrical engineering education. When I found Treehouse I was working as an Electrical engineer because we moved from our originating country and was a bit harder to find a IT job.

    But after a year and a half with Treehouse I landed a job interview and after 10mins meeting with the CEO I was hired. No fuss, no long conversation and no doubt.

    As Marcelino said: “Do what makes you happy”.

    You are more on the job as you are at home. If you do what you like, you are generally a better person to be around in general.

    Thanks to the Treehouse team for making my transition possible and giving me the skill set I needed. And for being a friendly bunch of people.

    Best regards from Austria,


    • Thanks Nejc for sharing your story with us ☺️ I am currently studying physics at University but I plan on starting to learn iOS development with treehouse very soon. I wish you the best of luck. Cheers!

  3. Great story. I identify myself with Nejc. I got a bachelor degree in electrical engineering, and later change my career to Android developer. I love creating app. Do what make you happy.

  4. I’m truly amazed. I always thought of electrical engineering as a much more prestigious career than web development, but I’m very impressed and wish him the best. Does anyone have any other thoughts on this?

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