Hi Nick, I like your article about the procedural texturing. I am new to gaming. Can you tell me. I…
On Asset Workflow for Game Art: Texture Mapping
i wish our parents could also understand that 😀 that would make our life so easier :p
On Can Computer Programming Boost Your Brain Power?
Thank you 🙂
On How to Create an AJAX Contact Form for a Website [Guide]
Great article. Thanks. One update as of March 2018. Heroku Toolbelt is now replaced by Heroku CLI - https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
On How to Deploy a Static Website to Heroku
Great article. I worked for 30 years with AT&T / Lucent Technologies / Bell Labs and retired in 1998. I…
On Learn the Mac OS X Command Line
Very informative post. Thanks for sharing. I agree in hiring an expert designer as this they will surely provide a…
On Solutions for Well-Designed Comments & Discussion Areas
Thank you Diana! We're honored to be able to work on this.
On Introducing TalentPath: The Actionable Solution to Hiring and Retaining Diverse Talent
Your code not work correct code is here @mixin btn-g($tp,$rm,$lr,$bt){margin-top: $tp; margin-right: $rm; margin-left: $lr; margin-bottom: $bt} @mixin btn-p($pp,$mm){padding: $pp;…
On Smarter Sass Mixins with Null
Hello, really helpful article. Sometimes i found myself struggle in webiste responsive section, because not everything converts coretly from dekstop…
On A Crash Course in Technical Responsive Web Design
Try removing the normal map, sometimes normal maps and specular materials cause this artifact, I havent figured any other way…
On VR Performance Guidelines for New Unity Projects