Business ResourcesTreehouse and Worksystems partner to train 10,000 Oregonians to code

Faye Bridge
writes on June 18, 2014

Treehouse is proud to announce the launch of Code Oregon, an exciting new partnership between Worksystems and Treehouse to fill the growing number of tech jobs in Oregon. By 2020, there will be an estimated one million more computer programming jobs in the U.S. than workers to fill them, and 10,000 of those will be in the Portland metro region. To prepare locals with the skills needed to fill the new job opportunities, Treehouse has teamed up with Worksystems – the workforce investment board for the City of Portland, Multnomah and Washington Counties – to help build the region’s future technology workforce through the Code Oregon initiative.

“We want to start the Code-to-Work movement, which will take someone from no experience, to job-ready, to a rewarding career all without a degree and zero experience. The rules are all changing. You just don’t need a Computer Science degree any more to get an amazing job in the tech industry.” Ryan Carson, co-founder and CEO of Treehouse. 

Code Oregon will help prepare and guide the next highly skilled and enthusiastic designers and developers towards filling the huge number of jobs that are being created. Treehouse will provide the quality online training that teaches high-demand programming languages, including iOS, Android, HTML, CSS, WordPress, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and more. Top students will then be identified and WorkSource will provide them with career services, mentoring, and additional training needed to guide them through the next steps towards being job-ready. This Fall, Treehouse and Worksystems will also host a 2014 Jobs Fair, where leading tech companies will interview qualified students for internships, mentoring, and junior developer positions.

22 Responses to “Treehouse and Worksystems partner to train 10,000 Oregonians to code”

  1. Hi there, is it too late to sign up for this program? I am an aspiring coder—but work full time currently as a Graphic and UI designer. Let me know how I can get involved!

  2. Cynthia Wright on August 24, 2015 at 5:02 pm said:

    I live within a 2 hour drive from Portland. I just registered and have gotten through past my first couple badges. I registered on the WorkSource website. However, I don’t know how to link the two. Is it as simple as going into the local (Corvallis) office, or do I have to go to Portland?

  3. Roy Clark on August 7, 2015 at 9:03 am said:

    So, is this only for people in the Portland area? What about Central Oregon?

  4. I just wanted to let others know that the the Code Oregon acceptance email may go into the “promotions” tab on your gmail account, so be sure to check there if you haven’t received an acceptance yet.

  5. Wonderful! Thank You! I’m signed up and learning, right now 🙂

    But I must know, what is the date/time/place of the job fair?

  6. Alexandra Moss on June 22, 2014 at 6:23 pm said:

    When filling out the application for Code Oregon I noticed that it asks for my zip code. I’m currently in the Los Angeles area, but I have family in Portland that would be willing to house me to attend this program if given the opportunity. My question is, do you need to be an Oregon resident to be part of this opportunity? Will putting my current zip code disqualify me? Thank you and have a great day!

  7. Teame Gebru on June 22, 2014 at 5:24 pm said:

    The partnership between Worksystems and Treehouse is amazing you should really consider the Bay Area for your next launch, help the locals !

  8. Jason Wiram on June 22, 2014 at 5:07 pm said:

    I am so excited for this. I live part time in Oregon (when it’s too dang hot in Scottsdale, Arizona), but I’ll commit to being up there full time to facilitate this opportunity. Thanks for continuing to be amazing Ryan and team.

  9. Please Come to CALI…. los angeles to be specific!!!! haha

  10. Mark Powell on June 20, 2014 at 10:17 am said:

    I need to find a place in Oregon instead of California.

  11. I know you guys are based out of Portland and for the time begin it makes sense that this is offered to Portland residents (I’m personally from Portland myself) but I no longer live there and was wondering is there ever a chance something like this will extend to other places or do you plan to keep this in Portland if the pilot is successful?

  12. Lisa Waters on June 19, 2014 at 8:34 pm said:

    I tried to sign up for this on the link, and it said only one person per form may sign up. I don’t know how this is possible.,
    Is there another way I can get information on this, as I’m very very interested! Thank you.

  13. Stoked for this. I signed up a couple weeks ago but haven’t received a follow-up email.

    Just wanted to see when the program was planned to start.


  14. @Rob

    Treehouse is definitely worth your time!
    I am not an affiliate of Treehouse but just someone that has done the free trial and going to signup as a member since they are so awesome!

    • Faye Bridge on June 19, 2014 at 5:30 am said:

      Thanks for the kind words Rob! It’s great to hear you’re enjoying learning with us. Keep up the great work!

    • Thanks Joe!
      From what I’ve been reading, it looks like a great way to go! It is also very affordable and I think that the teaching style fits right in with my learning style. I’ve been doing the lessons over at Codecademy and they have been great, but there is something lacking and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I think for me the difference is that there isn’t a quiz of some sort, or some way for you to really grasp the concepts. I feel like I am just following along, doing what they tell me to do.
      Previously, I had taken some classes at Portland Community College in web design/development. I feel that I have learned more, however, doing the program on Codecademy as well as through General Assembly in such a short time than a whole semester at the college. Also, I had to take out student loans at that time.

  15. Is this program specifically for residents of Oregon? I ask because I currently live in Arizona and I am hoping to return to the Portland area where I can get a job in web design/development. I am continuing to develop my web design skills and knowledge on my own, but I’ve been looking to development programs online. I’ve been considering returning to school, but haven’t decided if it is worth the student loans I’ll need to take out because I know that with some great demonstrable skill, one can secure a job in web design without a degree. Maybe a monthly subscription with Treehouse will be more worth my time?

    • Faye Bridge on June 19, 2014 at 5:29 am said:

      Hi Rob! Thanks for reaching out to us! As we’re working with Worksystems and local tech companies, students will be expected to attend parts of the program in person, which is why Code Oregon is currently for residents of Portland, and the surrounding areas. However if you are planning to move back to Portland, we would definitely recommend applying! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me directly at

      • Thanks Faye!
        That is great you are also going to be doing stuff in person. It sounds like a great program and I hope other communities will be able to get involved in the future. It will help a lot of people! Unfortunately, my move back to Portland probably won’t happen this year. I think that I will end up signing up with Treehouse either way and start my career changing goals.
        Thanks again!

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