LearnHow to Install Laravel Homestead on Windows

Hampton Paulk
writes on September 24, 2014

In the first section of the Laravel Basics Course we install Laravel Homestead on OS X. Several of our students have requested that the installation procedure for Laravel Homestead on Windows be shown as well. One of the joys of using a virtual machine for our development environment is, once we are setup, the procedure of installing Laravel and continuing development is the same across any platform. This video shows a few errors you may encounter along the way as well as how to solve for them. Enjoy, and feel free to leave a comment here or on our Treehouse Forum.

19 Responses to “How to Install Laravel Homestead on Windows”

  1. jonesbl on July 31, 2016 at 12:48 pm said:

    Hey, this may not be the most current, but it does work. I tried following the instructions on the Laravel site and ended up uninstalling the whole thing and starting over. Hampton’s walkthru is very good and I was able to muddle thru and get it working (much to my suprise!).

    It’s not clear why using homestead is superior to installing Ubuntu in a dual boot environment.

    Good job and thank you for sharing this with those of us in the unwashed masses!

  2. Asciencio Alex on July 3, 2016 at 10:23 am said:

    i have install the virtual box, git, vagrant but using git command line, to install homestead its not working

  3. Any chance on an updated video? The latest homestead git clone does not match what is shown in this video at all.

  4. Hampton, thanks for the video. Extremely helpful. Ive got homestead up and running. Everything seems to be working.

    But one thing I cant seem to wrap head around is why am I able to access my homestead.app (laravel.dev) at the localhost ip and not the one in the yaml file I would thing that was the point of specifying an ip in that file. And also the documentation at https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/homestead says to add to the host file: homestead.app

    What am I misunderstanding?

    Thanks Hampton!

  5. Gurpreet Dhanju on December 28, 2015 at 6:04 pm said:


    Regarding the url you have used in curl , I cant find it in any of the laravel homestead versions here https://vagrantcloud.com/laravel/boxes/homestead . Then i tried manually typing the url by copying from your video and press Enter . BUt it says “Not Found”. Please help me regarding this issue


  6. If you get the following message when trying to run ‘vagrant up’:

    There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix the following errors and try again:

    *A box must be specified.

    run bash init.sh and try again

  7. this installation process makes my computer very slow and hangs a lot during installation..

  8. this video is outdated nolonger works

  9. At the end of this video you mention the part 2 of the video. I wonder where i can find it?

  10. Thanks for this! It’s good to see someone go through the process for Windows. I followed the Laravel instructions more closely than the video, and did not run into all the errors you encountered.

    BTW – I think the ‘Lara’ in Laravel rhymes with ‘Para’ in Parachute, not ‘Laura’ as you were pronouncing it.

  11. Sorry get lost when no Homestead.yaml found on the folder.
    No instructions of homestead init

  12. Is there away to setup laravel framework without using virtualbox or vmware on Linux or windows server? My environment doesnt approve use of extra VM on guest servers.

  13. Homestead is fantastic. It allows you to set up a deployment area without affecting your OS. I really rate it. Are you planning on offering tutorials on Laravel?

  14. Thank you so much for this! I went through the course at work and had a bad time of it. I’ll try this on Monday.

  15. Appreciate almost every other excellent post. The best place else might just everyone have that kind of data in this excellent technique of creating? I’ve a business presentation next week, for with the find this kind of information.

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