September 22, 2015 in Learn
Asset Workflow for Game Art: 3D Modeling
In this post, I’ll outline the asset workflow that I use to model game props, like the old radio in the image below. If you’re new to making games, you will gain an understanding of some of the major concepts involved in modeling art assets. And if you…
September 15, 2015 in Learn
Keeping Up With Java
Java is one of those languages that you’ve probably met at some point or another. It’s everywhere. From large enterprise applications like Salesforce to introductory programming classes at university to Android apps on your phone, Java is like your reliable…
September 10, 2015 in Learn
Creating Customized Shelf Buttons and Hotkeys in Maya LT
There are a lot of great 3D tools on the market today, but Maya remains the industry leader for game and broadcast production. Apart from its powerful and extensive toolset, one of the main reasons that Maya is so dominant…
September 10, 2015 in Learn
The Scrum Sniff Test
The “Smells” of Scrum Do you practice agile software development? Have you or your team ever had the feeling that something is just a little off? There may be clutter in your backlog or the feeling that you aren’t being…
September 8, 2015 in Learn
How to Use Image Effects in Unity
Image effects in the Unity game engine can have a big impact on the look of your game. A bloom effect can turn harsh lighting into a warm sunny day, or an effect like color correction can make a landscape look…
September 2, 2015 in Learn
What Every Junior iOS Developer Needs to Know
Developing apps for iOS has been a growing sector for some time. The versatility and ubiquity of the iPhone and iPad gave scores of developers a chance to bring their wild ideas to life and parade them in front of…
September 1, 2015 in Learn
How to be a Resourceful Indie Game Developer
The thought of making a video game can be daunting. There’s code to write, 3D assets to model and texture, sound design, music, gameplay, voice acting, multiplayer, platform integration, marketing, bugs to patch… The list never seems to end. It…
August 27, 2015 in Learn
Passing the Google Interview, Without a Computer Science Degree
Parker Phinney founded Interview Cake, an interactive practice tool for preparing for coding interviews. He’s focused on shining a light on the black box of the algorithm design process, showing people how to reason their way to the best solutions….
August 18, 2015 in Learn
React: The Hype is Real
I haven’t been so excited since the early days of jQuery. React is a JavaScript library initially developed by Instagram/Facebook for building user interfaces. Since it has received a lot of attention recently with companies like Netflix, Walmart, Tesco, Airbnb…
August 17, 2015 in Learn
When is a User Story “Done?”— Acceptance Criteria and the Definition of “Done”
Have you ever worked on a team that struggled with getting things “done?” Not just “pretty much done,” but, “really done.” I mean, the kind of “done” where the work matches the expectations, the code has been tested, bugs have…
August 13, 2015 in Learn
What Does it Mean to be Self-taught?
Photo by Pratik Biyani via Flikr Creative Commons How the Idea of Becoming Self-taught Infected My Brain Long before I knew what a computer was, I would jam out to the radio while sitting in my car seat. My parents…
August 10, 2015 in Learn
How to Use npm as a Task Runner
A task is something you need to do. If you want to perform that task over and over again, as you do in development, you’ll save yourself a lot of time if you automate the process. Common web development tasks include…