Treehouse NewsAnnouncing the Treehouse Scholarship Program for Nonprofits


Emily Schweiss
writes on November 29, 2016

Treehouse brings affordable technology education to people everywhere in order to help them achieve their dreams and change the world.

Each and every member of the Treehouse team is here because we believe in our Mission. It’s what keeps us motivated even when a daunting to-do list is staring back at us. Over the years, we have helped over half a million students learn valuable skills, empowering them to change their lives. We firmly believe that anyone can be a developer and everyone should have the opportunity to learn. As Ryan Carson, Treehouse co-founder explains:

“We have a Mission that matters. We’re bringing affordable education to people that can’t get it, so they can change their lives and the world around them. Everyone at Treehouse feels deeply committed to this goal.” – Ryan Carson, Treehouse CEO & Co-founder

As part of the tech industry, we also acknowledge that lack of diversity in tech is still a pressing issue, but one that we can all be responsible for addressing. In an effort to play our part in supporting diversity and expanding the accessibility of tech education, Treehouse is introducing the Treehouse Scholarship Program.  Our Scholarship Program is focused on nonprofits who provide support for:

  • Veterans and their families
  • Underrepresented populations in tech
  • Socio-economically disadvantaged populations

Today, we’re honored to announce our first three scholarship award recipients. Each of these organizations has taken inspiring strides to break down barriers.


Veteran-founded, and led, Operation Code is on a mission to get active military, citizen-soldiers, veterans and their families coding and building software to change the world.  


Path Forward is a nonprofit organization on a mission to get people back to work after they’ve taken time off to care for a loved one. Through partnerships with companies, they create mid-career internship opportunities allowing individuals to re-enter the paid workforce.  

LaunchCode is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating economic opportunity for aspiring developers through job placement and training in technology.  They take a two-pronged approach: both helping individuals gain the skills needed for a career in technology and helping companies find the technical talent they need to get the job done.

Partner with us

Know of a nonprofit organization who could benefit from the Treehouse Scholarship Program? Fantastic! Here’s how it works:

  • Nonprofits who are opening new pathways to careers in technology for Veterans, underrepresented populations and the socio-economically disadvantaged should fill out an application here.
  • Treehouse will review your application and get back to you.
  • If accepted, Treehouse will match the amount of seats in your Treehouse for Business account. That means you will get DOUBLE the number of seats to provide for your community,

Together, we can do more. If you have questions about the Scholarship Program, please contact us at


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4 Responses to “Announcing the Treehouse Scholarship Program for Nonprofits”

  1. Wow! This is awesome guys! I’m checking out Operation Code. I’m prior Air Force myself 🙂 What about organizations for people with disabilities?

  2. Ankiewicz84 on December 8, 2016 at 7:13 pm said:

    As a veteran myself, how do apply?

    • This scholarship program is specifically for nonprofit organizations. The reason we decided to partner with nonprofits instead of individuals is because they will be layering on additional supportive services for their students on top of the Treehouse curriculum. Once the scholarships are awarded to nonprofits, they determine the individuals for their programs.

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