We are thrilled to announce the Treehouse Community Discord! Whether you’re interested in networking, are on the hunt for a job in the tech industry, have programming/design questions, and/or want to help others, the Treehouse Community Discord has something for you.
Join the Discord at discord.gg/SMXdZ5XqxA
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Who Can Join the Treehouse Community Discord?
Everybody! Regardless of Treehouse subscriber status, you are free to join the Treehouse Community Discord. We encourage you to ask questions about programming, design, tech careers, or anything else that interests you. Join the server here.
What is the Treehouse Community Discord being used for?
Live Streaming
The #treehouse-live channel is where you’ll find Treehouse’s own Technical Evangelist Dustin Usey, Treehouse CEO Jason Gilmore, and others hanging out, talking about code, and building cool applications… live!
Treehouse Announcements
Stay up to date with us! Find recent social media announcements, videos, and blog posts on the #announcements channel.

Career Advice
We are now offering several career-related channels, including #resume-review, #job-board, and #interview-prep. For instance, in the #interview-prep channel, you’ll find dozens of questions one might encounter during programming interviews.
Treehouse Hangouts
In the #hangout1 and #hangout2 channels, you can mingle with other members of the Treehouse community, trading war stories about the last time you crashed a server force pushed to your Git repository.
Join the Discord at discord.gg/SMXdZ5XqxA
But What Will Happen to…
Slack for Techdegree Students?
Nothing! While we may at some point migrate Techdegree students to Discord, for now, we will continue maintaining our dedicated Slack workspaces.
Therefore, if you are a current or future Techdegree student, please be sure to join the appropriate workspace. There, you can ask questions so our dedicated student support team can help you in the most efficient way possible. If you need help joining our Techdegree Slack workspaces, email our support team at help@teamtreehouse.com.
The Treehouse Community Forum?
Nothing! The Treehouse Community Forum has long been a popular outlet for asking questions about Treehouse courses, programming, and design and will continue to be long into the future.
If Discord isn’t your jam, keep participating in the forum! That said, we encourage everybody to try out Discord because it’s likely you’ll receive a much faster response. Also, several of our Discord channels are configured as forums, so you’ll find the interface quite familiar:

Treehouse remains steadfastly committed to helping people from all walks of life learn about technology and land jobs in the tech sector. And as the way people use the Internet evolves, so will the ways in which we provide learning resources to our students. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our team at help@teamtreehouse.com.
Join the Discord at discord.gg/SMXdZ5XqxA