Learn17 Essential Developer Networks

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writes on March 3, 2010

Recently I have been noticing that more and more tech companies are starting up “developer networks”. Some of these, like the Yahoo! Developer Network, consist of great tools and resources (think YQL, YUI etc) that we can all make use of in our work whilst others focus on more specific aspects of developing with a particular service or app.

Whilst tutorials and code examples are great the added bonus of a network is the community that grows around it. It’s likely that you won’t be the first person to experience a particular issue so it’s a great place to share application specific tips and frustrations.

Here are 17 networks and sites that you might not know about but are worth checking out.

Tech Company Networks

  1. Yahoo! Developer Network
  2. PayPal Developer Network
  3. Sun Developer Network
  4. Microsoft Developer Network
  5. IBM Developer Works
  6. Apple Developers
  7. Mozilla Developer Network
  8. Palm Developer Center
  9. Google Code
  10. Opera Developer Community

Application Specific Networks & Sites

  1. WordPress Codex
  2. Ning Developers
  3. Freshbook Developers
  4. Facebook Developers
  5. Twitter API Wiki
  6. Digg Developers
  7. 37signals Developer Site

If you know of any more please add them in the comments, it would be great to publish a more complete list.


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17 Responses to “17 Essential Developer Networks”

  1. And the best of them all : GitHub ?

  2. Nice article. Very informative.

  3. What about the Adobe Developer Connection? http://www.adobe.com/devnet/ the Flex/AIR community is quite big.

  4. Hi Keir –
    I have a added a few more Developers Communities and Networks to your list:

  5. I like Yahoo! Developer Network, that great developer for me.

  6. I really like thinkvitamin blog, I read it regularly, but this post is a bit to obvious.
    Nevertheless thanks for sharing Keir.

    • Keir Whitaker on March 3, 2010 at 8:55 pm said:

      Hi Joao, Thanks for your feedback. I am sorry to hear you think this post was too obvious.

      We try and cater for all levels and it was a quick post highlighting some of the sites developers new to the industry might not have heard of.

      More detailed posts in the pipeline ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you’ll stick around for those.

  7. What no love for github? That’s a dev network if I’ve ever seen one. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Keir Whitaker on March 3, 2010 at 8:39 pm said:

      Fair point! I love GitHub like the next person ๐Ÿ™‚ I was mainly looking at looking at the bigger companies and services that offer networks as opposed to ones that are curated more by the “community”.

      But great shout, I’ll update the post ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. stackoverflow.com seems like an obvious addition.

  9. Autodesk Developer Network (ADN)

    They have training, support and info about APIs for their whole line of product including AutoCAD and 3DS Max

  10. Can’t neglict Github.com those guys have some awesome stuff on there. Plus they have the best guides on how to use Git.

  11. hey nice article for programmers and this will help them a lot as you have jotted down everything in this list.

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