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What is Sass?
Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets Sass, and was created by Hampton Catlin.
It’s a way to simplify your CSS workflow, making development and maintenance tasks easier.
For instance, have you ever had to do a find-and-replace in your stylesheet to change a particular HEX color for a particular indecisive client?
Or had to open up the calculator app to figure out a column width in a multi-column design?
Sass introduces new concepts such as variables, mixins, nestings and selector inheritance.
Sass looks similar to CSS, but without the semi-colons and curly braces.
Given the following CSS:
display: block;
width: 120px;
height: 600px;
display: block;
width: 728px;
height: 90px;
You’d write the following in Sass:
display: block
width: 120px
height: 600px
display: block
width: 728px
height: 90px
Sass uses two-space indentations to define code nesting.
Now that you see how Sass is written, let’s look at some of the things that makes Sass so awesome.
To declare a variable in Sass you do $
followed by the name of the variable, in this case red
, a colon and then the value of that varible.
$red: #FF4848
Sass has built-in functions like darken
and lighten
that you can use to modify variables.
In this example the paragraphs will be a darker red than the h1
$red: #FF4848
$fontsize: 12px
color: $red
color: darken($red, 10%)
You can perform operations such as add and subtract variables of the same type. If we wanted to manually darken a color slightly all we would do is subtract away a small HEX value say of #101
. If we wanted to adjust a font size by 10px
all we would do is add it.
color: $red - #101
font-size: $fontsize + 10px
There are two types of nesting.
Selector Nesting
“Selector nesting” is the first type of nesting.
Nesting your Sass is similar to how you would nest your HTML.
$fontsize: 12px
weight: bold
size: $fontsize + 10px
size: $fontsize
If you look at the generated CSS, you can see that nesting the .name
class under the .speaker
class generates the CSS selector .speaker .name
.speaker .name {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 22px; }
.speaker .position {
font-size: 12px; }
Property Nesting
“Property nesting” is the second type of nesting.
You can nest properties with the same prefix.
$fontsize: 12px
weight: bold
size: $fontsize + 10px
size: $fontsize
In the above example here we have font:
and then on a new line and an extra indentation of two spaces, and then what you’d typically put put after the hyphenated prefix.
So when we write the property font:
a new line, an extra two spaces, the property weight:
, it becomes the CSS property of font-weight:
.speaker .name {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 22px; }
.speaker .position {
font-size: 12px; }
All hyphenated selectors are supported.
Nesting like this is an awesome way to organise and structure your CSS, and keeps you from unnecessarily repeating yourself.
Mixins are another awesome feature of Sass.
Mixins allow you to reuse whole blocks of Sass code, you can even pass arguments to them! What’s also cool is that you can specify default values.
To define a mixin, use the @mixin
Sass keyword, followed by the name you’ve chosen for the mixin. If you require any parameters, include a pair of parentheses and your arguments. If you want to add any default values, add a colon followed by the desired value.
Including the mixin is easy, use the @include
Sass keyword followed by the mixin name with any parameters declared in parentheses.
Take the following example:
@mixin border-radius($amount: 5px)
-moz-border-radius: $amount
-webkit-border-radius: $amount
border-radius: $amount
@include border-radius(2px)
@include border-radius
The above Sass will get compiled down to the following CSS:
h1 {
-moz-border-radius: 2px;
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2x; }
.speaker {
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px; }
We specified the radius in h1
, but for the .speaker
we didn’t specify anything, therefore the default of 5px
is used.
Selector Inheritance
Selector Inheritance allows you to tell any selector to inherit all the styles from another selector, which is pretty awesome.
To use it, use the Sass keyword @extend
, followed by a selector you want to inherit from, and all of the selector’s style properties will be inherited.
border: 4px solid #ff9aa9
@extend h1
border-width: 2px
The above is compiled to:
h1, .speaker {
border: 4px solid #ff9aa9; }
.speaker {
border-width: 2px; }
Try Sass
Try Online
You can also try Sass online without installing it on your local machine.
You need to select the Indented Syntax at the bottom before rendering.
Sass is a Ruby gem. Assuming you have Ruby gems installed simply run gem install sass
in your terminal.
Sass can be used as a command line tool to process your Sass files into CSS files.
You can do this by typing sass --watch sass_folder:stylesheets_folder
where sass_folder
is the folder of where your sass files are kept (file extensions must be .sass) and stylesheets_folder
is your output folder. The --watch
option means it’ll watch this folder and if we make any changes to files they will get converted as soon as you save them.
Converting CSS to Sass
You start using Sass in your exisiting projects by using sass-convert
Enter the folder you want to convert in your terminal and type in sass-convert --from css --to sass -R .
where -R
means recursively and .
means the current directory.
A Note on Sassy CSS (SCSS)
In this post I’ve only covered the Sass Indented Syntax. However, there is a newer format called SCSS, or Sassy CSS. The difference is that Sassy CSS looks more like what you’re used to with CSS, but it has “Sassy” features like variables, mixins, nesting and selector inheritance.
Sass is really awesome at keeping your styling well structured and DRY. There’s even projects like Compass that uses mixins to include CSS frameworks rather than cluttering your HTML with unsemantic classes.
So what are you waiting for? Try Sass in your next project!
Nice article
so do you have to know ruby to know sass? i’m still writing 10 year old css because i can’t ever install any of these programming languages. any resources for this?
No need to know Ruby, just follow the comands here and you’re good to go.
Just think of it like Java – lots of programs are written in Java so need it installed on your pc; office software, games, media players, etc… but you never have to write a line of Java to use them 🙂
Also remember this is 4 years old, sadly I think most people use the new syntax scss these days. Same beast, different syntax. I preferred sass, but I’m a python guy… most people seem to love curly braces and semi’s
Helpful Guide about Sass