August 8, 2012 in Learn
Responsive Web Design for Beginners
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web professional, creating responsive designs can be confusing at first, mostly because of the radical change in thinking that’s required. As time goes on, responsive web design is drifting away from the pool…
August 7, 2012 in Learn
Create your first WordPress Custom Post Type
What is it and What it isn’t Everyone’s talking about them. I asked Chris Coyier from CSS-Tricks what excited him about WP3 and he replied custom post types: “Think of how Tumblr works – how you can publish photos, quotes,…
September 27, 2011 in Learn
Organize Your Code with RequireJS
Writing web applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS can become overwhelming quickly. Between managing UI, data, interactions, and network requests, application code can become a real mess, and this isn’t helped by the way the browser loads JavaScript code.
August 11, 2011 in Learn
Final FOWD NYC Workshop Speaker Announced!
We’re delighted to announce that our final FOWD NYC workshop speaker will be the hugely talented Aaron Gustafson. As well as heading up Easy! Designs, Aaron is Group Manager of the Web Standards Project (WaSP) where he has spearheaded Web…
August 9, 2011 in Learn
Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web professional, creating responsive designs can be confusing at first, mostly because of the radical change in thinking that’s required. As time goes on, responsive web design is drifting away from the pool…
July 28, 2011 in Learn
Page Speed Service
Just a few minutes ago Google announced Page Speed Service. It’s a service that’s super simple to set up – web app developers to point their app’s DNS at Google. In return, Google handles rewriting web pages for performance and…
May 19, 2011 in Learn a collection of responsive web designs
Came across this wonderful site called The site contains a curated collection of responsive web designs and is aptly named after a feature of CSS3 which is called Media Queries. You can sort the list of sites by date…
March 3, 2011 in Learn
10 Must Have Ruby Gems
One of the most beautiful things about Ruby development is the ease of adding functionality through packaged libraries called gems. With the power of Bundler, you can quickly add and manage gems in few lines of code. With the recent…
February 7, 2011 in Learn
Tips on Learning JavaScript
In his seminal article Style Versus Design Jeffrey Zeldman wrote The web used to look like a phone book . What he should have written is: The web used to look like a phone book sitting in a tacky 70s…
February 17, 2010 in Learn
5 Good Reasons Why Designers Should Code
Earlier today Elliot Jay Stocks commented on Twitter I’m shocked that in 2010 I’m still coming across ‘web designers’ who can’t code their own designs. His comment created a great little debate on Twitter. Personally, I agree with Elliot. I…
September 4, 2009 in Learn
How to Create a Valid Non-Javascript Lightbox
I recently came across a solution on CSSPlay for a JavaScript free lightbox that uses invalid markup. So, being a sucker for a challenge, I set myself the task of creating one with valid markup and I eventually succeeded. Here’s…
April 10, 2009 in Learn
How to build mobile widgets
If you’re a web developer or designer, there’s a really exciting development happening right now called ‘mobile widgets’. Carsonified is working with Betavine to spread the word about mobile widgets, so we recently spent four days building one in order…