CommunityJoe Learned to Code & Transitioned into a Career He’s Passionate About


Faye Bridge
writes on April 15, 2015

Despite being an economics graduate with a career as a loan analyst, Joe decided it was time for a career change. After a gratifying experience dabbling in basic UX and product design side projects, combined with a lifelong interest in technology, web development became an obvious choice for Joe. He decided to pursue formal training, and chose Treehouse to do so. Joe recently landed a new job as a project manager at digital agency The Glue. He’s now working on projects he’s passionate about and applying and expanding his new coding skills. Next up, Joe is challenging himself to master iOS development and work towards a full-stack developer role.

What first drew you to the web industry?

Technology has always been a big part of my life. My parents encouraged me to be relentlessly curious as a child so I spent a lot of time tinkering with our family computer and making simple websites. When I was thinking about making a career change early last year, web development was an obvious choice.

What work were you doing when you first joined Treehouse & what encouraged you to learn with us?

I was working as a loan analyst at a mortgage lender and had the chance to work on some side projects that involved basic UX and Product Design. One that stood out was the redesign of an online payment screen, which received some incredibly positive user feedback. That experience was really gratifying and I saw firsthand how technology could solve important problems, so I decided to pursue more formal training. I researched a few online schools and chose Treehouse because the Tracks are really well organized and they teach practical skills like Responsive Web Design and Ruby on Rails.

Treehouse has given me the skill set needed to do a complete 180 in my career.

You recently landed a new job at The Glue. Tell us a little bit about how your career has evolved since learning with Treehouse.

In January I started as a Project Manager at an amazing digital agency in Los Angeles called The Glue. A month into my new job I was given the opportunity to work on our site redesign as a developer, and I definitely wouldn’t have been prepared to make such a quick transition without completing the Front End Web Development Track on Treehouse.

What has the value of a Treehouse education meant to you?

Treehouse has given me the skill set needed to do a complete 180 in my career. Not only are the courses and subjects relevant to the real world, but the community is also extremely helpful and supportive.

What are your plans for the future, and what’s up next on your learning path?

We’re working on some really fun and ambitious projects at The Glue, so I’m excited about moving into more of a full-stack developer role. One area in particular that I’m interested in learning more about is iOS development, especially with the Apple Watch coming out. The Swift Track on Treehouse seems perfect for this.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with new students who are aspiring web designers and developers?

Never stop learning and never stop creating. Challenge yourself by pursuing projects that have components or features that you’ve never built before, because that’s where the most rewarding learning experiences come from. Also, feel free to get in touch with me on Twitter if you need any tips on where to start!

To read more awesome student success stories, check out the Treehouse Stories Page.


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2 Responses to “Joe Learned to Code & Transitioned into a Career He’s Passionate About”

  1. Never stop learning and never stop creating. Challenge yourself by pursuing
    i’m very inspired with this think so thank you so much treehouse. you are going good

  2. I am so happy to see that a person is change his life and take his decision on good time. I personally feel that if a person decide to doing something big then he will do that whatever ha has face problems.

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