Our mission is to bring affordable Technology education to people everywhere, in order to help them achieve their dreams and change the world.
November 25, 2013 in Learn
The Chrome DevTools is a set of panels built into the Google Chrome browser that help web developers inspect code. You can access the DevTools using shortcut keys (Ctrl+Shift+i on Windows and CMD+Option+i on Mac) or by right clicking anywhere…
November 11, 2013 in Learn
I can remember a time when pretty much everyone designed websites for an 800×600 screen resolution, but (thankfully) those days are long gone. Smart watches and 4k displays are pushing resolutions at both ends of the spectrum, and even more…
October 29, 2013 in Treehouse News
Last night, in the early hours of the morning, we launched a brand new version of Treehouse. Over the past months our team has been rethinking how we structure the Treehouse library and how we can best help students succeed…
October 28, 2013 in Learn
You’ve probably seen PSD to HTML advertisements around the web. If you type “PSD to HTML” into your favorite search engine, you’ll find lots of companies that will turn your Photoshop mockup into code. You’ll also find innumerable tutorials that demonstrate…
October 11, 2013 in Treehouse News
We’re proud to announce the launch of Design Foundations, the latest course on Treehouse! Design touches every part of our lives. In this course you will learn what design is and how to harness its power. We’ll break down the…
October 9, 2013 in Learn
Whether you’re new to development, a seasoned developer, or even a front end designer, using a version control system is important. That’s why we were so excited to add Git Basics to the Treehouse library a few weeks ago. Git…
October 7, 2013 in Learn
We’re really excited to announce our latest Treehouse project, Using PHP with MySQL. We hope you enjoy it! In this project, we’ll extend the Shirts 4 Mike project that we developed in Build a Simple PHP Application and Enhancing a…
September 23, 2013 in Learn
What is Poka-Yoke? Poka-Yoke is a Japanese term that means “mistake-proofing”. In other words, the goal is to make an object that prevents the user from messing up. We live in a complicated world, but good design concepts like poka-yoke…
September 16, 2013 in Learn
WebGL or Web Graphics Library is a means through which the browser can interface directly with the GPU. This gives web designers and developers access to all the graphical horsepower that users have become accustomed to in desktop applications. Browser…
September 9, 2013 in Learn
In this step-by-step guide, we’re going to create a 3D version of the Treehouse logo using three.js, which is a 3D graphics framework built on top of WebGL. Click and drag your mouse to orbit the camera! You can also use…
September 3, 2013 in Learn
WebGL and CSS 3D transforms are two major technologies for creating 3D in the browser, and as recently as a few years ago, they didn’t have much browser support. Much has changed in a short period of time, and if…
August 12, 2013 in Learn
Developers often use test driven development to write simple and reliable code. Sometimes too much testing can slow down the development of a product, but in general, it’s a smart idea. The web design community doesn’t have a perfect analog to…