Treehouse NewsNew iOS & JavaScript Courses


Ryan Carson
writes on October 27, 2017

(We will be adjusting the cadence of these course roundup posts. Instead of weekly, look for bi-monthly posts on all the new courses and what’s coming soon!)

Every Wednesday, new courses and workshops are added to the growing Treehouse Library! Two new JavaScript courses were released this week, as well as a new iOS course. Learn more about them and see what’s coming soon. You can also watch our weekly video update of What’s New at Treehouse.

Start learning to code today with your free trial on Treehouse.



JavaScript Array Iteration Methods– Joel Kraft (100 minutes)

Learn how to access and transform data in arrays with JavaScript’s array iteration methods. You’ll learn how, why and when to use these powerful methods to make your code easier to read and more concise.

Getting Started with ES2015– Andrew Chalkey, Dave McFarland, Joel Kraft (49 minutes)

Javascript is an evolving and changing language that’s routinely updated and improved upon. ES2015 or ES6 is a newer version on the language that’s well supported in browsers and commonly used by programmers. In this course, get up to speed with ES2015 syntax for creating variables, working with strings and writing functions.

Build an Image Viewer– Pasan Premaratne (130 minutes)

In this course, we’re going to build an image viewer that allows a user to thumb through an album of images, select one and then perform the usual operations like pinching, zooming and so on. In doing so we’ll develop and understanding of Scroll Views in iOS and how to implement paging.



Data Analysis Basics: Making Decisions with Data (November 2017)

Learn how to make better decisions with data in this course on data analysis. We’ll start by looking at what data analysis is, and then we’ll see how we can use data analysis to create better outcomes.

Introduction to GraphQL (November 2017)

Simplify your backend with GraphQL, the new query language and runtime that is taking the world by storm. With GraphQL, it’s no longer necessary to resolve a bunch of different REST endpoints to get a complete chunk of data. We can use GraphQL to tell a server which data we want, and exactly what it should look like. Whether you’re a front-end developer looking to simplify your workflow, or a back-end developer looking for a way to compose more robust APIs, this course is the perfect place to start.


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