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Why We Decided to Take a Paycut

There was something we were doing at Treehouse that made us more money, but just didn’t feel quite right. We’ve finally decided to just pull the trigger and take the hit on revenue, because taking care of our Students is always the right thing to do.

If you weren’t already aware, Treehouse students have had the option to pause their account for up to 3 months at a time. At the end of that period your account would be automatically unpaused, and you’d begin paying for your account again.

For those of you that used pausing, the time limit was inconvenient, and introduced unnecessary pressure to unpause before you were ready. Some of you even felt we were being dishonest and charging you without your consent.

We’re excited to announce that pausing your account no longer comes with a time limit! You can now pause your account for as long as you like, and your account will remain paused until you’re ready to come back and learn with us again.

For those of you that were already paused under the old system, your account has been converted to an indefinite pause. If you need to check the status of your account you can do so on your membership settings page.

We appreciate every single one of our 87,000 Students and we’re going to continue to always try to do the right thing to serve you.

To Infinity and Beyond!

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