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Treehouse – Our Values

We recently circulated a document here at Treehouse that sets out our values. Values are different than a mission statement in that they describe, not ‘what’ we want to achieve, but ‘how’ we achieve it. And in some cases how we ‘are’ as people. It’s a great list to double-check when we are hiring people.

Our Values

  1. Serve Our Students
  2. Only what our students need, only when they need it, only in the amount they need.

  3. Be More Fun Than School
  4. Life is too short to be serious all the time. We’re friendly, we like to laugh, and we think learning should be fun.

  5. Be Demanding
  6. We push each other, our partners, and our students to be amazing.

  7. Create Quality
  8. We take great pride in the experience we create and deliver for our students. Video production quality is high, Teaching methods are effective and the app is reliable and fast.

  9. Treasure Personal Time
  10. Life is beautiful. Family and friends are paramount. We work a four day work week and stay flexible because we’re all trying to create amazing lives for ourselves.

  11. Enjoy Change
  12. We look forward to changing and adapting to meet the needs of our students. Treehouse is going to look totally different five years from now and we actively pursue that.

  13. Open Doors
  14. Treehouse takes transparency very seriously. We are direct, unbiased, and clear communicators. Basically all information is public within the company, but we also understand that sometimes anonymity leads to more open communication. We’re as inclusive as possible. (Hence why we published this!)

  15. Humble and Hustle
  16. Never stop working hard or being nice. By doing so as individuals we are stronger as a team.

  17. We Own What We Do
  18. We have to take responsibility for our projects from start to finish. No one is supervising you or directing you. It’s all up to you!

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