March 22, 2007 in Learn
Setting & Retrieving Accesskeys with JavaScript and DOM
There are some things in the world of accessibility that appear, on the face of it, to be really wonderful ideas… until you scratch slightly below the service. What may seem feasible when putting together some guidelines on accessibility might…
August 25, 2006 in Learn
Add Microformats Magic to your Site
Think back to when you first began using the web. It might be a couple of years, probably five, ten or even more. How did you use the web back then? More likely than not, you searched using Google, or…
May 7, 2006 in Learn
The Foundations of Ruby Arrays
An array is a list of items in order (like vitamins, minerals, and chocolates). Those keeping score at home might be interested to know that the Rails website framework makes 771 calls to Array.each, 558 calls to, and 1,521…