Matt West
Matt West is a designer at Wildbit, creators of Beanstalk, Postmark and DeployBot. He also wrote the book HTML5 Foundations. You can catch him on twitter as @MattAntWest.
You cannot directly access the user's filesystem. You can only read files that are explicitly passed to your application through…
On Reading Files Using The HTML5 FileReader API
Thanks, that's fixed now 🙂
On An Introduction to Source Maps
Hi Jessica, Do you know which version of PHP you are running? It sounds like a problem with the mailer…
On How to Create an AJAX Contact Form for a Website [Guide]
Hi Tashi, You will need to set up a web socket server on your machine that echoes the message. I'd…
On How to WebSockets [Complete Guide]
Thanks for reading Louanne
On Getting Started With The History API
Thanks for reading Oleksii 🙂
On Optimizing Mobile Web Apps for iOS
Hi Jorge, I think that line is referring to the name of the main file, not the source map file.
On An Introduction to Source Maps
Hi Luke, Sorry I don't have too much information on the performance benefits of using classList.
On How to Manipulate Classes Using the JavaScript classList API
Hi Leo, The History API only applies to the history within the current window/tab. You cannot access your entire global…
On Getting Started With The History API
Hi Stahik, The current implementation includes a delete option. For an example of how to add edit functionality I'd recommend…
On Create Your Own To-Do App with HTML5 and IndexedDB