October 17, 2012 in Learn
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at What Powers Ruby on Rails
What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails is a web development framework that makes it easy to write web applications. Rails was extracted from an application called Basecamp. When you start writing a Ruby on Rails application, it’s like…
October 15, 2012 in Learn
The Beginner’s Guide to Android
If you ask someone what an iPhone is, the answer is pretty obvious, and even people unfamiliar with iPhones are likely to be able to tell you pretty accurately what it is. But if you ask, “What’s an Android?” you…
October 15, 2012 in Learn
Getting Started with CSS – Part 1
This is the first of a two-part article on CSS, the most powerful tool we have available to us as web designers and developers. In this article, we’ll cover basic CSS concepts to get us started. What is CSS? CSS…
October 12, 2012 in Learn
Quick Tip: How to Edit HTML
In this Treehouse Quick Tip, we’re going to learn how to edit HTML. Before I tell you what we should do, let’s go over what we should not do. Make sure that you don’t edit your HTML in a word…
October 11, 2012 in Learn
A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your First Web Development Client
Freelancing is a seductive work option. You get to control your time, your income and your career. You also get to control your skill set. You accept the projects that will help you grow and decline projects that will not….
October 10, 2012 in Learn
Creating a Responsive WordPress Theme with Bootstrap: A How-To Guide
In this tutorial, we will learn how to make our own responsive WordPress theme using Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a responsive framework for building web sites and applications, and it’s a great starting point for building a responsive WordPress theme. Check…
October 8, 2012 in Learn
Beginner’s Guide to jQuery
jQuery’s core functionality has a whole host of cool things to explore. jQuery allows you to manipulate HTML elements, transverse around the document, add event listeners (e.g. when you click on an element), perform AJAX requests and effects. If you…
October 5, 2012 in Learn
Quick Tip: How to Achieve Pixel Perfection in Photoshop
In this Treehouse Quick Tip, we’re going to learn how to deal with unwanted anti-aliasing in Photoshop and achieve pixel perfection when working with vector shapes. This method is referred to as pixel-hinting. Using Adope Illustrator and Photoshop, you can…
September 25, 2012 in Learn
Using inline-block to Display a Product Grid View
I have been working on a website that displays products in a grid view, with each product containing a title, an image and some in a grid view. To achieve this layout, I used an unordered list with the CSS…
August 8, 2012 in
Your Email Is Confirmed!
Thanks for confirming your subscription to the Treehouse newsletter.We’ll keep you posted on any new updates to our training library, and give you tips to building websites and apps! Ready to get started? Just click the buttons below to view…
August 8, 2012 in
Thanks For Signing Up!
Thank You for Joining the Treehouse Blog Newsletter, the very best way to stay up to date with the latest in web design, development, and building iphone apps. To help prevent spam, you’ll receive a confirmation email from Treehouse, and…
August 7, 2012 in Learn
Create your first WordPress Custom Post Type
What is it and What it isn’t Everyone’s talking about them. I asked Chris Coyier from CSS-Tricks what excited him about WP3 and he replied custom post types: “Think of how Tumblr works – how you can publish photos, quotes,…