Member Directory

Zac is the WordPress teacher at Treehouse.

Eric Siu is the User Growth lead at Treehouse. He likes Apple products, food, travel, and Monopoly Deal. You can follow him on Twitter at @ericosiu.

Allison Grayce is a web and user interface designer. From brand strategy and user interface design to creative writing and front-end development, she has a passion and appreciation for complete brand experiences. Allison holds her BFA in Web Design & Interactive Media. Twitter: @allisongrayce.

Robert Hafner has been writing code and leading companies for as long as he can remember. He is heavily involved in open source and has released numerous projects, including many security and scalability related libraries. On the professional level he has acted as a dev/ops consultant for many companies and spent five years in an executive role at a leading security company.

Robert can be found on LinkedIn, Github, Twitter and on his blog.