LearnHow to Create an RSS-Enabled, Micro-Blog with Twitter


Ryan Carson
writes on January 20, 2009

Have you ever wanted to create a simple multi-person blog, but didn’t want to bother setting up an entire WordPress installation? If so then we’ve got just the answer. By combining Twitter Search, Atom feeds, hash-tags and PHP, you can create an RSS-enabled, micro-blog using Twitter and be up and running in less than 10 minutes.

The new Think Vitamin news feed is powered this way, so let me show you how we built it.

Screenshot of the Think Vitamin news feed

Sign up for Twitter

First off, make sure you and the other blog contributors have Twitter accounts. It’s free and only takes two minutes to sign up.

Choose your Hash-Tag

The way you will post to the blog is by including a ‘hash-tag’ in your Twitter post. For example, we chose #thinkvitamin for the news feed. It can be anything, but make sure it’s not too common so you don’t pull in Tweets that are irrelevant (ie #strawberries or #obama). A great way to check is to search for potential hash-tags at search.twitter.com and see how many times they’re used. The fewer the better.

Create Your Atom Feed

Head over to search.twitter.com and type the following into the search bar:

#your-hash-tag from:user01 OR from:user02 OR from:user03

Replace ‘your-hash-tag’ with the hash-tag you’ve chosen, and ‘user01’, ‘user02’ and ‘user03’ with the Twitter usernames of the folks who have permission to contribute to the blog. You can include as many Twitter usernames as you like.

This will return results from user01 or user02 or user03 where the hash-tag ‘#your-hash-tag’ was used. Now copy the ‘Feed for this query’ link to your clipboard (you’ll need it later).

Output the Atom Feed as HTML

You can use PHP (or any language of your choice) to parse the feed and output it to a page as HTML. This is where you’ll need the feed URL you copied in the last step.

The file atom-html.php (download the source) outputs certain nodes of the Atom feed as list items in an unordered list. You can then style this list however you like. Here is an example of how to implement the code:


# The URL for the Atom feed from search.twitter.com
$url = “http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=

# Create object to hold data and display output
$atom_parser = new myAtomParser($url);

# Return string containing HTML. The argument for getOutput() is the
# number of items to display
$output = $atom_parser->getOutput(5);
echo $output;

Count the Subscribers with FeedBurner

It’s important to know how many subscribers you have, so make sure to pipe the Atom feed (that you created in the ‘Create Your Atom Feed’ above) through FeedBurner. If you don’t have an account, it’s free and easy to sign up.

Once you have a URL from FeedBurner for your feed, make sure to include it as the ‘Subscribe’ link in the HTML.

What About Comments?

We haven’t enabled any commenting on the Think Vitamin news feed, but this could be added by including a Disqus snippet in the HTML output.

That’s it.

We told you it was easy. Let us know if you’re currently using Twitter on any of your sites in an interesting way.


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424 Responses to “How to Create an RSS-Enabled, Micro-Blog with Twitter”

  1. What’s the problem with setting up a WP blog? With Fantastico or the new Installatron it takes me five minutes at most.

  2. I really like the idea and the directions you gave. I’m pretty untechie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  3. Great article. Love love twitter. 🙂

  4. Those are great points. Thanks for sharing that with us. Such a great help.

  5. Great stuff! Very useful! Keep going with sharing such things 🙂

  6. How can you pull a hash tag feed from all users? Is that possible with this code, or do you need to use the API and build a full app?

  7. Fantastic website I will bookmark it and come back later.
    Thanks for posting this. Very nice recap of some of the key points in my talk. I hope you and your readers find it useful! Thanks again

  8. Informative, didn’t decided if I will use it or not but like the concept.

  9. Very useful indeed

  10. BillyGOAT on April 11, 2010 at 12:12 pm said:

    Is there a way to do this via Tumblr instead of Twitter?

  11. Great post, added to my bookmarks
    that can be a kind of auto-blogging, I’ll implimente this.
    I love the idea, thanks for sharing!

  12. Nice trick.Thanks very much!

  13. Hey thanks for sharing this trick with us!!!I love twitter and would try this one on it!!

  14. Have given this a quick go here: http:/fragmag.tumblr.com

    I ran the ATOM through Feedburner and then imported that feed. It works, kind of – need to find out how I can format the imported posts though, the whole shebang gets treated as a link at the moment.

    @salmon, yep profile pictures would be great.

    All in all very useful tutorial though, glad I took the time to look into it. Might try and implement for a work-related campaign.

  15. This method obviously works but isn’t it more of a work-around or an experiment to prove that it’s possible than an efficient method?

    Surely one of the other micro-blogging platforms somewhere between Twitter and WordPress would be the most elegant solution!

  16. Looks like Goggle is using this sort of thing in the search results….help I can’t keep up anymore!

  17. Nice little trick. I will be trying this today. Thanks for the info.

  18. This is cool but I see a little coding is still required to get it into a web readable format.

    Any idea how much love Google gives to these sites?

    When I first saw this post, I figured that it was a “how to create an autoblog”. It isn’t, but it has given me some ideas to pursue in this regard!


  19. These are greats directions. I’m not very techie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  20. that’s very good info
    i think i will put some my own blog 😀

  21. That is really great tips. I am going to make one for me.

  22. Is it possible to include the users profile picture in the feed? I figure it would be a pretty nice touch =]

  23. ah got it working =] how would i go about styling this with css

  24. I am probebly just beign stupid but i keep getting a error that says

    myAtomParser: Error mismatched tag at line 18

    Any idea what i am doing wrong?

  25. Ingenious have you found you used this successfully. I am having a little trouble with trying to use disqus.
    Thanks for the great info

  26. Very clever… I particularly like the way you’ve used hashtags as a filter. I’ve not seen much of a practical use for them before this. I wonder if it would be worth using a URL shortener and Google URL builder to create links that track as a campaign.

  27. great idea! work for me 🙂

  28. Hey

    This is a marvellous idea dude.As it is twitter is extremely popular and creating a RSS enabled micro blog with it would be even more fun

    Will be trying this definitely this weekend

    Your creativity rocks buddy

    Keep up the good work


  29. I really like the idea and the directions you gave. Thanks very much!

  30. Hi Ryan,

    thanks for the great info, twitter is gaining popularity, this tip certainly would help me a lots.

  31. Creating a Micro Blog with Twitter? Never thought of that 🙂 But it is a very interesting idea 🙂

  32. as far as I know google didn’t like duplicated contents. it may not do your good but no harm as well:)

  33. I have always wanted to do this but had not been able to. Thank you for sharing.

  34. This is pretty cool. Would duplicate content be a problem for google.. or are we not concidering that here?

    thanks for the info..

  35. Thanks for the article. I’m always looking for new and innovative tips on how to best leverage wordpress and RSS feeds.

  36. Great to see your blog is finally working with my blackberry (perl) browser. Handn’t worked for a while there.

  37. just visit this website and read this article. GREAT IDEA!
    I like ti use rss feed.

  38. I really like the idea and the directions you gave. I’m pretty untechie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  39. Sorry to see that spam bots got a hold of the comments here. Thanks for the info though.

  40. Heya nice blog!

    Check out mine if you will ..

    Violet Pan

  41. This should really come into play now that twitter feeds are appearing on Google.

  42. Damn I know RSS is so useful though I don’t make my self work more on it…

  43. I’ve always been a fan of your blog, and this helped with my RSS blog thanks =d

  44. Hah, one youtube video that always makes me laugh, and stop is Failblog best of 1. You should definetly watch it when you feel that you have just lost time in your life and you will never get it back, because this is SO GOOD 😀

  45. great vids! My name is lisa is really a great one but I also have to add that everyday, I think, is edited. The face doesn’t really change, just the hair, the background and the color of the pic.

    And nice saving shot you did. Congratulations for that shot!

  46. I’ve never heard about it.

  47. Never knew about that. Thanks for help!

  48. Great news. Thanks!

  49. This was an interesting. I never really started much work with either twitter or RSS, except for what is built in to blog commenting software.

    Mark from: Puppy Chewing

  50. Useful information, thanks for sharing!

  51. Great article. Twitter is definitely the hottest thing on the web right now and to use it in your business is a fantastic idea.

  52. That’s the best thing I’ve heard today! LOL

    Outstanding. 🙂

  53. What a follower list I must say… BTW Ryan, as people have sugested in the comments,the steps are very techie so a strip down non technical version would be highly appreciated. BTW a quickie,is this method only limited to WordPress or can be extended to php or html based websites.


  54. Great directions! Im new to all of this so im going to try it out.


  56. Great step by step guide. On it now

  57. Great directions. I am a noob at this but will try this definitely

  58. I enjoyed this read. It was too technical that I couldn’t understand it. However I do have one question…

    What do you see the advantage is of setting up a microblog using twitter feeds. I own a website in the relationship advice niche and was just wondering how or why I would use this setup in my marketing efforts. I’d just like to understand it’s use a little better so that I can maybe use that tactic in my marketing efforts or to spread the word a little more.

    Thanks again.

  59. for a while now I say I’m going to get into Pilates but I keep delying it, I’m hoping visiting sites like this is going to change my resolve.

  60. Well twitter is the best way to engage your readers!! You should definately try it!

  61. Hmm.. I have always like using twitter to interact with my readers. Good tip!

  62. Interesting concept indeed. However I still don’t like Twitter much, maybe I’m getting old! 🙂

  63. If this helps me to get some traffic, its really a life saver. Thanks alot

  64. Hi, This is really good idea.
    It is really helpful to all. Thanks for sharing…

  65. i like your idea…thank you

  66. Great article. This post is very informative.Thanks for sharing the information regarding the micro blogging with twitter.

  67. commission must impose fines or other sanctions against those who may have violated rules.

  68. Great info Ryan!

    I’m going to try this right away. You really take the technical aspect out of something like this by offering great instructions and screenshots.


  69. I use Firefox and IE 7, with the latest updates for both, and they are ok, but Firefox is much faster.

  70. Thanks for the info, I needed it, Twitter is a great tool these days worth trying

  71. I find your tutorial useful, its good to have the rss enabled twitter blog.

  72. yes duplcate is a no no, big no no, i use copyscape al the time

  73. I like this tip, but does duplicate content affect the site in the search engine, and what can we do to enhance this?

    Jack D. Montesso

  74. Awsome tips helps me a lot .. thank you 🙂

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  75. some of internet user say that using twitter can make money but i can’t feel it.
    how can twitter make some money cash.
    but your tutorial was excellent making microblog using twitter.

    i will try this for backing up my page MMO server files

    thanks for this new method brother

  76. Good idea but you should add a filtering system.

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  77. very useful post. thanks, it was very useful for me.

  78. Hi it was good article I think I will try to do it. Thanks a lot. I will test to do it soon. Please try to make morre articlee ok? Take care.

  79. Very useful. Thanks a lot.

    Un saludo

  80. That’s some good stuff. I don’t know how you guys think up how to do this, but keep up the good work. I’ll try this out.

  81. This is great! I will be implementing this myself ASAP. THANK YOU!

  82. Cool share there mate! i will try this with my blog, its a nice way to share your tweets to your blog visitors.


  83. Thanks for the information, I have not worked with Twitter, but I see this is very possible and exciting.

  84. Awesome!! Thanks…i just started using Twitter too, and find it a GREAT way to bond and connect w/ groups similar to yours…thanks 🙂 and will keep it up too…Jack

  85. While I have tried Rss feeds in the past I can not say that I have actually seen a great return on them.

  86. Thank you for sharing.. I will try this out then.

  87. Crapadoodle, I’ kinda bored with twitter app – For bloggers I think Blog advertising network is the way to go- Good money I feel

  88. This is realy great and easy to follow. Thanks for the share.

  89. I have just been looking for that! Thanks!

  90. Great Info Ill Try It Now 🙂 Thanks a lOt

  91. This will prove to be very useful information! Thank you!

  92. Thanks, Truly helpful.

  93. I had no idea you could do this, I’m going to set that up now!

  94. Thank you for this, it’s been really helpful.

  95. Thanks for the tips – I’ve been thinking about making a micro-blog on Twitter but wasn’t sure on how to do it. Now I do! You’re the man!

  96. this is so easy to follow. Really love it Thanks so much!

  97. Well that was kind of technical but interesting and doable, thanks

  98. This is a nice idea, good post Ryan. You da man!!! 🙂

  99. Wow this is a great idea I’ll try your tips soon

  100. This is an engaging stuff.. I’m gonna check this out.. Thanks

  101. Wow this is a great idea I’ll try your tips soon

  102. Best Idea, thank you alot. I love you.

  103. LandonDiego on September 18, 2009 at 10:13 am said:

    There is not necessary to combine all other post comments to become a good blogger. My thought is that we should give our mind thought to become a good blogger .

  104. Hi Carson, you might want to check out your blog using K-Meleon, the sidebar is looking very messed up for me when I use it.


  105. I think if you look at the widgets in WordPress you’ll find a widget that allows you to add it to your blog.

  106. This is a great RSS tip. I am using it to feed specific posts from certain people with a certain hash tag. I feed it into a Ning site’s RSS sidebar.

    I want to feed it automatically into a WordPress blog but I can’t find anyone sharing how to do that. If you know how, and think this would be a good post to share with your readers, I’d be most grateful.


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  108. Hey, great post, really well written. You should post more about this.

  109. I usually don’t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful …

  110. Although it took me a lot longer than 10 minutes to figure this all out – it was worth every minute. Thanks for the great idea.

  111. A good add on to this is perhalps how to commercialize this idea.

  112. The “atom-html.php” file is not available.

    • Ryan Carson on July 14, 2009 at 6:58 pm said:

      Hey Dylan,

      Apologies about that. It got lost when we merged Carsonified.com and ThinkVitamin. I’ve put it on our list to fix – hopefully it’ll be fixed by next week. Sorry!


  113. Great info! Thanks for sharing :-))

  114. This is a great RSS tip. I am using it to feed specific posts from certain people with a certain hash tag. I feed it into a Ning site’s RSS sidebar.

    I want to feed it automatically into a WordPress blog but I can’t find anyone sharing how to do that. If you know how, and think this would be a good post to share with your readers, I’d be most grateful.


  115. Great piece of advice. Love to do the same but with different process.

  116. This is awesome Ryan thanks. I have bookmarked this page and will put this into practice on my blog next week.

  117. antogonon on June 15, 2009 at 2:06 pm said:

    Best one ever!!

  118. I'm going to be using it… I don't want to give away the name of my service just yet, it's not ready.

    It's to be a blog to help people quit smoking. They can update via twitter of their statuses, and it'll show up on the website instantly. Adding Disqus as we speak, and purchasing the domain right now.

  119. thanks admin good post

  120. Indeed an excellent one for marketers.

  121. А можно вам вопрос задать, если текст с вашего блога копировать, то ссылку куда лучше ставить прямо на эту запись блога или же на главную страницу.

  122. Good idea! I'm going to try it and than I'll give a feedbach about this.

  123. Sweet. This was exactly what I was looking for. I'm now using (a variant of) this for my fellowship blog. Thanks!

  124. Sweet. This was exactly what I was looking for. I'm now using (a variant of) this for my fellowship blog. Thanks!

  125. Bahhh, twitter this, twiiter that. I hate twitter. Cool app though, for those who love twitter.

  126. Twitter is great… I use it all the time when promoting whats going on with the business.

  127. I have been looking at doing a Twitter microblog, because obviously everyone is talking about it these days. It doesn't seem like such a bad idea to join the masses, because you can get a good amount of traffic from posting tweets appartently. I have spoken with some prolific bloggers that swear by it.

  128. I'm currently using twitter to give people a hook into my web app who might not be interested in participating, but may still find it interesting.

  129. I particularly like the way you've used hashtags as a filter. I've not seen much of a practical use for them before this. I wonder if it would be worth using a URL shortener and Google URL builder to create links that track as a campaign

  130. Very interesting search. Thanks

  131. It's a great idea! Never thought it before…I'm going to try it.
    Btw, nice theme here… Thanks


  132. Great idea! Thanks for providing the source. I’ll give it a try 🙂

  133. That is very cool, thank you very much, going to try it now..

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  136. As a CEO i think it is very important to interacted with the community online.

  137. beautiiful blog merciiiiii

  138. Haven't been using twitter, but this info sounds like something to get me started using it.

  139. I think a better wa is it t create our own free microblog here with wordpress.

  140. I think a better wa is it t create our own free microblog here with wordpress.

  141. This is a pretty cool idea really!! I am going to implement it once get a free minute!

  142. I would love to see this as a wordpress plugin. Basically I have been trying to pull a twitter search RSS feed into my wordpress blog using the regular RSS widget but the whole tweet comes out as a link (Ugly!). All the twitter plugins out there only accept a username not a search field. Any links to help on this would be appreciated.

  143. Useful post, Ryan. I had to write my own code to pull information from the object as my setup does not give me access to mb_convert_encoding. It's up and running, though, and looking good. 🙂

  144. wow, wonderful
    This is really good idea.
    It is really helpful to all. Thanks for sharing…

  145. Very cool. Thanks I've been looking everywhere for something like this. You just saved me a lot of time and effort.

  146. Yeah, I've started an rss blog with twitter just from this page

  147. Yeah, I've started an rss blog with twitter just from this page

  148. Very good article, it really helped me. Thanks alot

  149. where implement this code???? in twitter? in feedburner??

  150. Great info. Thanks for posting.

  151. Dont you just love twitter? Just one of the things you can do eh!

  152. I have plans on marketing it for sale to interested parties. Great information though. It took me a while to understand the alternate uses of rss, but now that I get it, I have a completely different perspective on things.

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  153. I have plans on marketing it for sale to interested parties. Great information though. It took me a while to understand the alternate uses of rss, but now that I get it, I have a completely different perspective on things.Mover Packer Delhi

  154. The subject of usability generates a dichotomy between what we think and what we do. We know it is good to focus on usability.

  155. Very nice! I'm gonna have to give this a try.

  156. Very nice! I'm gonna have to give this a try.

  157. Thank you, I found this very easy to understand ad I think it could really help my marketing efforts. I will post later how I got on. 🙂

  158. Can you use this in your WordPress blog? If so how? Are you supposed to copy/paste the code in your “sidebar.php” or is there a way of implementing this as a plugin? I really appreciate if anybody can clarify. Thanks.

  159. This is pretty cool. I've been playing around with a few useful Twitter tools and think I'll go give this a try.

  160. This is pretty cool. I've been playing around with a few useful Twitter tools and think I'll go give this a try.

  161. This looks like a very tidy script to be taken advantage of, thanks 😉

  162. nice hack! wondering if I could use wordpress custom fields in conjunction with your script such as in the example at http://wpcandy.com/articles/tutorials/custom-tw….

    “http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=<?php echo get_post_meta($post->;ID, “query”, true); ?”;

    trying to avoid using jquery because of the javascript and would rather use your hack since it outputs html.


  163. nice hack! wondering if I could use wordpress custom fields in conjunction with your script such as in the example at http://wpcandy.com/articles/tutorials/custom-tw….”http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=<?php echo get_post_meta($post->;ID, “query”, true); ?”;trying to avoid using jquery because of the javascript and would rather use your hack since it outputs html.Thanks!

  164. biometric01 on April 7, 2009 at 7:34 am said:

    About Identity Theft and stolen passwords, recently I came across a site that uses Biometrics of finger, face and voice verification so the user just scans to log on. You can read more at http://www.mybiodentity.com

  165. This is great!. I'm going to use this on my blog.

  166. This is great!. I'm going to use this on my blog.

  167. Thanks for the help on Twitter. I am going to give it a shot.


  168. Thanks for the help on Twitter. I am going to give it a shot.Tony

  169. If I haven't really found this around last month, I don't think I would be this satisfied with now. Thanks again Ryan.

  170. If I haven't really found this around last month, I don't think I would be this satisfied with now. Thanks again Ryan.

  171. good idea!

    I'm gonna add it to my app

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  175. These are greats directions. I'm not very techie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  176. These are greats directions. I'm not very techie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  177. thanks it is very useful for me.

  178. mackaaij on April 4, 2009 at 1:45 pm said:

    I kept this in my Evernote account for later reading and came around to it today.

    Instead of the PHP you could use FriendFeed. I think the FriendFeed Room feature comes close to everything you want.

  179. mackaaij on April 4, 2009 at 6:45 pm said:

    I kept this in my Evernote account for later reading and came around to it today.Instead of the PHP you could use FriendFeed. I think the FriendFeed Room feature comes close to everything you want.

  180. Tompkins on April 3, 2009 at 11:06 pm said:

    Any advice on removing the “tag:search.twitter.com” stuff and including the date in the post?

  181. Simple and effective, great work.

  182. W0W,
    That is a great tutorial…
    I will start working on this Twitter project and hopefully,
    i will have some success, and a boat load of Traffic to my website?

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  183. W0W,That is a great tutorial…I will start working on this Twitter project and hopefully,i will have some success, and a boat load of Traffic to my website?Thanks,beginner golf tips.

  184. jw32181 on April 1, 2009 at 1:11 pm said:

    This is so cool! I can't wait to get my micro-blog up and running. Thanks so much for sharing this information!

    Puppy training

  185. jw32181 on April 1, 2009 at 6:11 pm said:

    This is so cool! I can't wait to get my micro-blog up and running. Thanks so much for sharing this information!Puppy training

  186. Great Stuff Ryan. Really you & your wife have done a great job in carsonified.

  187. Great Stuff Ryan. Really you & your wife have done a great job in carsonified.

  188. creativity at its finest, thanks for the wonderful post

  189. Brilliant idea. We're setting up a blog at the moment so we shall be certainly looking into this more.

  190. Brilliant idea. We're setting up a blog at the moment so we shall be certainly looking into this more.

  191. Very useful help indeed thanks i creat my first RSS micro-blog

  192. Very informative. This is excellent for bloggers like me. You make it so easy. Great job!

  193. You guys are so creative!! love it <3

  194. Very useful! I've been using Twitter for a while now, and now I can use it to promote my blog!

    A. Allen, Acai Burn consultant

  195. Very useful! I've been using Twitter for a while now, and now I can use it to promote my blog!A. Allen, Acai Burn consultant

  196. Wow, some really great stuff in this Article. Iam still learning about Twitter and Feeds but this definitely helps me understand it that much more.

  197. Cool! very informative. Is there any new cool updates for twitter?

  198. Finally, someone has given me a use for Twitter. I knew the basics of its value, but for the life of me could not understand how I could automate (or semi at least) it to give some useful help to my website building efforts. Thanks

  199. Wow, I'm overwhelmed with all this stuff. Great idea. When I can figure out how I'm going to use all of this I will use it.

  200. Wow, I'm overwhelmed with all this stuff. Great idea. When I can figure out how I'm going to use all of this I will use it.Thanks,

  201. asdqwe on March 7, 2009 at 2:44 pm said:

    I really like the idea and the directions you gave. I'm pretty untechie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  202. asdqwe on March 7, 2009 at 7:44 pm said:

    I really like the idea and the directions you gave. I'm pretty untechie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  203. lookielookies on March 6, 2009 at 4:39 pm said:

    I've been looking for something like this for ages.
    There's one thing I don't get: how to style the output…
    Tips would be highly appreciated

    Mieke Janssens

    P.S.: is it somehow possible to add the twitter avatar to the output?

  204. lookielookies on March 6, 2009 at 9:39 pm said:

    I've been looking for something like this for ages.There's one thing I don't get: how to style the output…Tips would be highly appreciatedGreetz!Mieke JanssensP.S.: is it somehow possible to add the twitter avatar to the output?

  205. @Ryan thank you very much for sharing this information , I'll probably give it a try this weekend. Something new for me to study thanks again.

  206. @Ryan thank you very much for sharing this information , I'll probably give it a try this weekend. Something new for me to study thanks again.

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  213. This is a very helpful tips specially for beginner like me. Great idea!!!

  214. Awesome stuff!
    Very simple and easy to follow, worked like a charm 🙂

  215. Awesome stuff!Very simple and easy to follow, worked like a charm 🙂

  216. I thought it was creatively technical. Plan to use this for some sites I know about. jr

  217. Stupid I am I should think of that?


    Sam From Florida

    DKNY Watches

  218. Stupid I am I should think of that? Sam From FloridaDKNY Watches

  219. Good Work Ryan i really like it .

  220. Excellent idea and tip…I'll try it!

  221. Excellent idea and tip…I'll try it!http://www.trubyshomebiz.com

  222. Sounds like a great concept, something I am interested on implementing in the near future.

  223. maddog13 on March 1, 2009 at 8:25 am said:

    That rocks! Why didn't I think of that?

  224. maddog13 on March 1, 2009 at 1:25 pm said:

    That rocks! Why didn't I think of that?

  225. Nice tutorial you held here Ryan. This is interesting and will make my blog more interesting. It is easy to implement even for a social bookmark illiterate.

  226. Twitter is a really powerful tool, good for communicating with your visitors!
    Solar Panels

  227. Twitter is a really powerful tool, good for communicating with your visitors!Solar Panels

  228. Some really good information here. Twitter is a great tool and combining it with RSS makes a powerful 1-2 punch.

  229. Good informtion. I'll have to try it out soon.

  230. Good informtion. I'll have to try it out soon.

  231. pseudonym on February 27, 2009 at 12:55 am said:

    Its realy cool you gys also love to read this herbal colon cleanse

  232. Nice trick, although will this sort of stuff not get you banned?

  233. Thanks for the info Ryan. Looks a bit techie but I'll try.

  234. Thanks for the info Ryan. Looks a bit techie but I'll try.

  235. Using hashtags as a filter is a very clever idea. Good share…. thanks!

  236. Nice trick. Though WordPress is not too hard to install your idea is much easier. Thanks for the tip

  237. Wow! Great post. I am having trouble getting my head around Twitter but I am going to give this a try.

  238. I'm just starting to learn about RSS feeds and how to optimize them for my blog…. thanks for sharing this info!

  239. I'm just starting to learn about RSS feeds and how to optimize them for my blog…. thanks for sharing this info!

  240. An interesting suggestion, I need to look into this a bit more to fully understand the benefits of micro-blogging. There are quite a few terms I am unfamiliar with.

  241. This is one of the best articles, I have read in a while.

  242. nice idea. web 2.0 really gives us opportunities to mash things up in unlimited number of ways. i will try this out in one of my blogs.

  243. I must admit that I don't use Twitter to it's full potential but I know many people who do. This is a great article Ryan, thanks for the info – I really like the idea of using the rss.


  244. I must admit that I don't use Twitter to it's full potential but I know many people who do. This is a great article Ryan, thanks for the info – I really like the idea of using the rss.Georgie.

  245. I use RSS, but I won't start with twitter I Think

  246. I use RSS, but I won't start with twitter I Think

  247. Very useful information. Definitely easier than setting up a whole wordpress. Thanks.

  248. Some great tips here. I'll find this useful .

    Thanks Claudine

  249. Some great tips here. I'll find this useful .Thanks Claudine

  250. This is a really good tip to share and no wonder i had so many problems with it last time. Your instructions are clearly better and glad i can refer to it for my upcoming micro blog.

  251. Very interesting. I'm going to work on this.

  252. Very interesting. I'm going to work on this.

  253. Very interesting, concept. I think I have seen this done on a few sites already.. There's some many things that can be done with blogging these days.

  254. Very interesting, concept. I think I have seen this done on a few sites already.. There's some many things that can be done with blogging these days.

  255. Hi Ryan, I got lost at the 'download the source code' bit.. I can get the output from search twitter but then what do I do with the source code to get the twitter output into blogger? Thanks!

  256. Hi Ryan, I got lost at the 'download the source code' bit.. I can get the output from search twitter but then what do I do with the source code to get the twitter output into blogger? Thanks!

  257. This is some good stuff! Thanks for the twitter directions you gave. I'm gonna give it a try

  258. This is some good stuff! Thanks for the twitter directions you gave. I'm gonna give it a try

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  261. I have registered a new account on twitter, but never know this cool feature. I will try it. Thanks

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  263. My name is chow and I like many of you was not happy with my body shape. I tried several weight loss programs and diets with no benefit. My life changed when I saw Dr. Oz talking about the benefits of acai berry supplement and thought to give it a try. I went ahead and got the free trial of acai berry supplement and colon cleanse. It completely changed my life. You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://ezinearticles.com/?Acai-Berry—Why-Shou… and try the <a href=” http://ezinearticles.com/?Acai-Berry—Why-Shou… target=”_blank”>Acai Berry – Why Should You Use Acai Berry? free!

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  265. godgreat1 on February 20, 2009 at 5:39 am said:

    The biggest advantage of opting for this weight reduction formula is the speed. In case you happen to be associated with this product, you can be rest assured of quick and timely results. As compared to other weight loss products, which usually take their own sweet time to show results, this miracle cure therapy has been known to deliver results at warp speed. Hence, it is often considered better than the rest. Acai Berry – Why is it Called the Natural Wonder

  266. godgreat1 on February 19, 2009 at 11:02 pm said:

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  267. godgreat1 on February 20, 2009 at 4:02 am said:

    I like many of you who is reading this, was overweight and was not happy with my body shape. My life changed when I saw Dr. Oz talking good things about the berry supplement and thought to give it a try and it completely changed my life. You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1… and try the Acai Berry – How I Lost 30 Pounds in Under 30 Days Using The Acai Berryfree!

  268. Great Stuff! Thanks for posting! Will definitely be implementing it.

  269. This is a great article and I think would be helpful to the agents at my company. Will be sure to pass this on to them. Thanks!

  270. My name is Danila Carid and i like many of you was not happy with my body shape. I tried several weight loss programs and diets with no benefit . I went ahead and got the free trail of acai berry supplement and colon cleanse . It completely changed my life. You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1… try the <a href=” http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1… target=”_blank”> Acai Berry – How it Has Helped Millions free

  271. My name is Mia and I, like many of you, was not happy with my body shape. I tried several weight loss programs and diets with no benefit. I went ahead and got the free trial of acai berry supplement and colon cleanse. It completely changed my life. You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1… and try the Acai Berry – 2 Secrets to Instant Weight Loss Using Acai Berry free!

  272. My name is Mia and I, like many of you, was not happy with my body shape. I tried several weight loss programs and diets with no benefit. I went ahead and got the free trial of acai berry supplement and colon cleanse. It completely changed my life. You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=1… and try the Acai Berry – 2 Secrets to Instant Weight Loss Using Acai Berry free!

  273. If you are facing the problem of over weight & not happy with your body shape. As me you have tired after trying so many Weight loss program so let me tell you about Acai Berry. For entire knowledge You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://ezinearticles.com/?Acai-Berry—When-Sho… and try the Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse diet free!

    Acai Berry – When Should I Use Acai Berry?

  274. If you are facing the problem of over weight & not happy with your body shape. As me you have tired after trying so many Weight loss program so let me tell you about Acai Berry. For entire knowledge You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://ezinearticles.com/?Acai-Berry—When-Sho… and try the Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse diet free! Acai Berry – When Should I Use Acai Berry?

  275. That's the best thing I've heard today! LOL

    Outstanding. 🙂

  276. That's the best thing I've heard today! LOLOutstanding. 🙂

  277. This was called The Acai Berry Weight Loss formula and it turned out to be a miracle cure for my weight loss woes. The best part was that I had to take just one before bed. Surprisingly, it started to show results from day one.

  278. If you are facing the problem of over weight & not happy with your body shape. As me you have tired after trying so many Weight loss program so let me tell you about Acai Berry. For entire knowledge You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://ezinearticles.com/?Acai-Berry—How-the-… try the Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse diet free!
    Acai Berry – How the Acai Berry Helped Transform My Image

  279. If you are facing the problem of over weight & not happy with your body shape. As me you have tired after trying so many Weight loss program so let me tell you about Acai Berry. For entire knowledge You should check out my story from fat to fit at http://ezinearticles.com/?Acai-Berry—How-the-… try the Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse diet free!Acai Berry – How the Acai Berry Helped Transform My Image

  280. It's great info, but why would we want to do this with free services such as Blogger and WordPress?

  281. It's great info, but why would we want to do this with free services such as Blogger and WordPress?

  282. Thanks for this post! It's very informative and will really help bloggers like me. Keep it up!

    3 Boys in San Diego

  283. Thanks for this post! It's very informative and will really help bloggers like me. Keep it up!3 Boys in San Diego

  284. Very informative article. I think this will really help my website!!

  285. For someone that is new to RSS and blogging, this info helps a lot! I will definitely put these techniques into play. Thanks so much! -Scott

  286. Great post! I really like the idea of creating a Micro-blog

  287. Thank you for this extremely informative article…I am going to try it out.

  288. Dude, this is some sweet-ness. I had no idea how hash-marks worked in Twitter; with this, you can literally create instant keyword-rich content from almost nothing — just don't include the user limitations in your search string! It's not going to be solid content, but it should look great to the search engines! 😉

  289. Dude, this is some sweet-ness. I had no idea how hash-marks worked in Twitter; with this, you can literally create instant keyword-rich content from almost nothing — just don't include the user limitations in your search string! It's not going to be solid content, but it should look great to the search engines! 😉

  290. Excellent step by step instructions. Sometimes I come across great ideas but there is not enough detail for me to take action on it without messing it all up and wasting hours, in fact days!

    this is a great help, thanks

  291. Excellent step by step instructions. Sometimes I come across great ideas but there is not enough detail for me to take action on it without messing it all up and wasting hours, in fact days!this is a great help, thanks

  292. Good stuff here! Thanks for the tip. Always open to learning new uses for social media features!

  293. This is a really inventive idea and the directions you gave should make it fairly easy to implement, even for those of us that aren't very “technically-minded.”

  294. This is a really inventive idea and the directions you gave should make it fairly easy to implement, even for those of us that aren't very “technically-minded.”

  295. This sounds like powerful stuff. I have been using multi user wordpress blogs for some time.However with Twitter in the game the results should undoubtedly be much better with the huge audience that is available.I am going to try this right away.

  296. wow this is great this will save lots of time and help me market more effectively.

  297. This is great. I will definately be using this on my site.

  298. Wow I might need to do this.. I've been on Twitter for a while, I guess I was severely under-utilizing it. Very creative, Ryan.

  299. Wow I might need to do this.. I've been on Twitter for a while, I guess I was severely under-utilizing it. Very creative, Ryan.

  300. This is such a great idea for people who don't want to mess with wordpress. I really like this idea and will try it. Thanks for the visual steps as well.

  301. This is such a great idea for people who don't want to mess with wordpress. I really like this idea and will try it. Thanks for the visual steps as well.

  302. Thanks for the info. Now I need to apply the thought.

  303. Thanks Ryan,
    I've been resisting this stuff but you step by step got me to actually take action.
    Great stuff.

  304. Thanks Ryan,I've been resisting this stuff but you step by step got me to actually take action.Great stuff.

  305. You can even submit site to social bookmarking sites to promote your website.

  306. Thanks a lot…This really going to help me in developing my business…

  307. Thanks a lot…
    This really going to help me in developing my business…

  308. This is a really need little trick and it does not actually cost anything. Although I do have one question in mind. Can you please advise if this will actually help with getting backlinks in the log run?

    Regards. Matt

  309. This is a really need little trick and it does not actually cost anything. Although I do have one question in mind. Can you please advise if this will actually help with getting backlinks in the log run? Regards. Matt

  310. Wow…cool. That looks easy breezy and very useful too. Sometimes it is very easy to get lost in twitter-sea and twitter-effect. :D) Your idea helps to focus on certain related conversation and gather deeper details. Wonderful.

  311. This is a fabulous idea you have. I will follow the directions you gave and see if I can managed it.
    Thanks so much

  312. This is a fabulous idea you have. I will follow the directions you gave and see if I can managed it.Thanks so much

  313. Thank you very much for this great information. I haven't yet jumped on board the whole twitter wagon but this has pushed me more forward towards it!

  314. Thank you very much for this great information. I haven't yet jumped on board the whole twitter wagon but this has pushed me more forward towards it!

  315. I bet even untechies would suceed, following your instructions, well written.

  316. thats so cool man, i like it a lot too

  317. I think this is a great idea so thought I'd have a go at implimenting it. I had problems with using the atom-html file you supplied so, after Googling, tried out MagpieRSS. I got this partially working but it kept barfing at the content of the Atom feed. In the end I used Simplepie to consume the feed and I got it setup in minutes.

    If you're interested the results can be seen at http://tweets.rajf.co.uk

  318. I think this is a great idea so thought I'd have a go at implimenting it. I had problems with using the atom-html file you supplied so, after Googling, tried out MagpieRSS. I got this partially working but it kept barfing at the content of the Atom feed. In the end I used Simplepie to consume the feed and I got it setup in minutes.If you're interested the results can be seen at http://tweets.rajf.co.uk

  319. Excellent idea, I'll definitely be using this on my site. Thanks.

  320. Excellent idea, I'll definitely be using this on my site. Thanks.

  321. Great Article. I am going to try this from a noob point of view. Thanks again

  322. Really neat method! I am just experimenting with feeds and such for some of my web sites and this is another interesting angle to it.

  323. Great info. I wouldn't have thought of this in a 100 years. I'm going to give it a try as soon as I can.

  324. Great info. I wouldn't have thought of this in a 100 years. I'm going to give it a try as soon as I can.

  325. Thanks for the lovely idea. Very innovative.

  326. Like a couple other people said I never really knew the purpose of hashtags before but now it's beginning to make sense. I think I might have to read this post again to make it sink in my brain but your directions were very detailed. Thank you!

  327. Like a couple other people said I never really knew the purpose of hashtags before but now it's beginning to make sense. I think I might have to read this post again to make it sink in my brain but your directions were very detailed. Thank you!

  328. That is a great idea… I am not very teckie but I get by. I am going to try the instructions and see how things go.

    Oh, and thanks for the step by step instructions.

    Lynda from Prior

  329. That is a great idea… I am not very teckie but I get by. I am going to try the instructions and see how things go. Oh, and thanks for the step by step instructions. Lynda from Prior

  330. Great post …Thanks…I will definitely give this a try
    even though I am technically challenged….

  331. Great post …Thanks…I will definitely give this a tryeven though I am technically challenged….

  332. It reads to be easy enough but I KNOW I'm going to screw it up. However, I really like this idea and the directions you gave as I said above seem simple but seriously…is it really that easy?

    Other than being a master of all things twitter…is there a site I could view that someone has set-up? Unless Ryan makes house calls! Lol! I guess I'll take a shot at this.

  333. It reads to be easy enough but I KNOW I'm going to screw it up. However, I really like this idea and the directions you gave as I said above seem simple but seriously…is it really that easy?Other than being a master of all things twitter…is there a site I could view that someone has set-up? Unless Ryan makes house calls! Lol! I guess I'll take a shot at this.

  334. Hi thanks for this useful post I love anything which uses social media and so forth to make life easier been a fan of twitter for ages now.

  335. Wisdom teeth is a nonsense.
    What to me pleasure of what at me in 25-30 years has grown a teeth without which I already easily manage for a long time?
    Where they were, when I in a youth teeth opened bottles with beer because it was abruptly? When I clicked a teeth nuts?
    And then, why from name “Wisdom teeth” – I that, somehow in another way to chew has learnt? Not how earlier when I was the young fool? Whether business if to years to 30 grew, for example, wisdom fingers! Better, of course, on each hand on the additional index. But on the second big – too it is normal. And then it would be wisdom fingers – because now I precisely know, for what I should seize both hands, to hold strong-strong and never to release. Or from what to wave away – yes, now I know, from what I should wave away very much, sometimes so there is no pair of superfluous fingers on hands that from it to wave away.
    Or here, a wisdom eye. It is necessary certainly, to change the passport by 30 years because you on a forehead had one more eye… Well also I represent, as it will be scratched. When it begins to be cut through – hard, yes. But – what pleasure to look in three eyes at that, on what you could not see enough in both in any way… And points cool can be carried – represent, what turn the fashion industry can make!
    I ask me to excuse, it is simple a teeth strongly are ill

  336. Wisdom teeth is a nonsense.What to me pleasure of what at me in 25-30 years has grown a teeth without which I already easily manage for a long time?Where they were, when I in a youth teeth opened bottles with beer because it was abruptly? When I clicked a teeth nuts?And then, why from name “Wisdom teeth” – I that, somehow in another way to chew has learnt? Not how earlier when I was the young fool? Whether business if to years to 30 grew, for example, wisdom fingers! Better, of course, on each hand on the additional index. But on the second big – too it is normal. And then it would be wisdom fingers – because now I precisely know, for what I should seize both hands, to hold strong-strong and never to release. Or from what to wave away – yes, now I know, from what I should wave away very much, sometimes so there is no pair of superfluous fingers on hands that from it to wave away.Or here, a wisdom eye. It is necessary certainly, to change the passport by 30 years because you on a forehead had one more eye… Well also I represent, as it will be scratched. When it begins to be cut through – hard, yes. But – what pleasure to look in three eyes at that, on what you could not see enough in both in any way… And points cool can be carried – represent, what turn the fashion industry can make!I ask me to excuse, it is simple a teeth strongly are ill

  337. intersting idea. I think this is somthing that I might implement!

  338. Ryan,

    I would like to know how can I have all users in the query? The current one at twitter allows only 6. Any Idea for that??

  339. Ryan, I would like to know how can I have all users in the query? The current one at twitter allows only 6. Any Idea for that??

  340. This is so innovative Ryan, I must admit I had to read through your explanation 3 times before I figure it out… will be trying it out on a new blog I'm currently putting up soon.

    Thank you for sharing… I appreciate it.

  341. This is so innovative Ryan, I must admit I had to read through your explanation 3 times before I figure it out… will be trying it out on a new blog I'm currently putting up soon. Thank you for sharing… I appreciate it.

  342. Great. Have you taken a look at Qwitter? It uses Twitter to help people quit smoking as well.


  343. Great. Have you taken a look at Qwitter? It uses Twitter to help people quit smoking as well. http://qwitter.tobaccofreeflorida.com/english/

  344. No Problem.

    I think you have done an excellent job of bringing out a great way to getting Atom Feeds on web pages.

    I am successful in getting the feeds working on my page. Is there a way I can have search query include all users? Twitter allows search query with 6 users only…

  345. No Problem.I think you have done an excellent job of bringing out a great way to getting Atom Feeds on web pages.I am successful in getting the feeds working on my page. Is there a way I can have search query include all users? Twitter allows search query with 6 users only…

  346. Very cool. I'm going to try this out. 🙂

  347. Very cool. I'm going to try this out. 🙂

  348. Ryan, you must have an IQ of 225. A brilliant scheme!

  349. Is there a way to have it display only the user's id instead of their id plus their real name in parentheses?

  350. Is there a way to have it display only the user's id instead of their id plus their real name in parentheses?

  351. thanks for the easy to follow instructions.

  352. Hi Chanda,

    I'm afraid I don't know the first thing about .NET – I'm so sorry!

  353. Hi Chanda,I'm afraid I don't know the first thing about .NET – I'm so sorry!

  354. Hi Ryan,

    You busy? Never… 😉

    Turns out I can't use the atom-php file you used so I had to use a different parser.

    I even did a write up here – http://blogbyben.co.uk/2009/02/micro-blogging-w

    Hopefully that will help if anyone gets stuck. You can see it in action here – http://www.blogbyben.co.uk/fitness/

    It works for me – if I can help anyone please ask and I'll do my best!

  355. Hi Ryan,You busy? Never… ;)Turns out I can't use the atom-php file you used so I had to use a different parser.I even did a write up here – http://blogbyben.co.uk/2009/02/micro-blogging-w… Hopefully that will help if anyone gets stuck. You can see it in action here – http://www.blogbyben.co.uk/fitness/It works for me – if I can help anyone please ask and I'll do my best!

  356. Thanks for the great instructions. I am going to give this a go later tonight and see how I go with it.

  357. Hi Ryan,

    I am trying to use this same thing using .NET instead of PHP. Somehow it doesn't seem to work the way I want. I want the ATOM feeds to be parsed and then I want it to display them on a web page using xsl.

    Here is the code that I am using in the code-behind method:

    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    Stream read = client.OpenRead(“http://search.twitter.com/”);
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(read);
    txt.Text = reader.ReadToEnd();
    xmldoc1.DocumentContent = txt.Text;
    xmldoc1.TransformSource = “xsl/twitterfeeds.xslt”;

    This is being used on the aspx page:

    <asp:xml id=”xmldoc1″ runat=”server” TransformSource=”~/xsl/twitterFeeds.xslt” />

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated…

  358. Hi Ryan,I am trying to use this same thing using .NET instead of PHP. Somehow it doesn't seem to work the way I want. I want the ATOM feeds to be parsed and then I want it to display them on a web page using xsl.Here is the code that I am using in the code-behind method: WebClient client = new WebClient(); Stream read = client.OpenRead(“http://search.twitter.com/”); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(read); txt.Text = reader.ReadToEnd(); xmldoc1.DocumentContent = txt.Text; xmldoc1.TransformSource = “xsl/twitterfeeds.xslt”; reader.Close(); read.Close(); client.Dispose();This is being used on the aspx page: <asp:xml id=”xmldoc1″ runat=”server” TransformSource=”~/xsl/twitterFeeds.xslt” /> Any help on this would be greatly appreciated…

  359. MarketingConfidential on February 2, 2009 at 11:10 am said:

    A very well thought out and well presented approach.

    I love the way you've integrated everything.

    Great job!

  360. MarketingConfidential on February 2, 2009 at 4:10 pm said:

    A very well thought out and well presented approach.I love the way you've integrated everything.Great job!

  361. How do you display the user that contributed?

  362. Hey Ben,I'd love to, but I'm too busy right now. So sorry!

  363. Hey Ben,

    I'd love to, but I'm too busy right now. So sorry!

  364. Ben Brooks on January 30, 2009 at 10:37 am said:

    Hi Suki,

    Did you get as far as downloading the Atom file? I don't think its very clear (for those that are not to technical) in the write up that you need to download this and then upload it to your server. If you look at the code Ryan kindly provided there is a line ( include('atom-html.php'); ) that calls on this, so without it nothing will run.

    I've not given this ago yet so can't give any practical advice – sorry. If I chance to get up and running over the weekend I'll let you know how I did it 🙂

    @Ryan – as I imagine you have loads of less tech followers would it be possible to create a simpler step by step guide for them to follow?

  365. Ben Brooks on January 30, 2009 at 3:37 pm said:

    Hi Suki,Did you get as far as downloading the Atom file? I don't think its very clear (for those that are not to technical) in the write up that you need to download this and then upload it to your server. If you look at the code Ryan kindly provided there is a line ( include('atom-html.php'); ) that calls on this, so without it nothing will run.I've not given this ago yet so can't give any practical advice – sorry. If I chance to get up and running over the weekend I'll let you know how I did it :)@Ryan – as I imagine you have loads of less tech followers would it be possible to create a simpler step by step guide for them to follow?

  366. Hello there,
    I'm not so techy and got as far as creating the atom feed, can someone help with how to add this to my wordpress blog (HTML) as a side panel…

    Much appreciated

    Suki (Based UK)

  367. Hello there,I'm not so techy and got as far as creating the atom feed, can someone help with how to add this to my wordpress blog (HTML) as a side panel…Much appreciatedSuki (Based UK)

  368. Excellent stuff as always Mister Carson, I'll be implementing this shortly. 🙂
    Now, onto more serious matters. Geez a job!! 😀

  369. Excellent stuff as always Mister Carson, I'll be implementing this shortly. :-)Now, onto more serious matters. Geez a job!! 😀

  370. I really like the idea and the directions you gave. I'm pretty untechie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  371. I really like the idea and the directions you gave. I'm pretty untechie, but I am going to try to follow these directions

  372. Nice idea. 🙂 Going to try it later!

  373. CorneliousJD on January 26, 2009 at 2:20 pm said:

    Is there a way however to have more than 15, or whatever many tweets end up showing up on the page. a way to go “back” to previous entries?

  374. Nice post, been looking for something like this. Do you know how I could create an auto-updating feed like TwitterFall.com in which the feed updates automatically without updating the page?

  375. I'm going to be using it… I don't want to give away the name of my service just yet, it's not ready.

    It's to be a blog to help people quit smoking. They can update via twitter of their statuses, and it'll show up on the website instantly. Adding Disqus as we speak, and purchasing the domain right now.

  376. I'm going to be using it… I don't want to give away the name of my service just yet, it's not ready.It's to be a blog to help people quit smoking. They can update via twitter of their statuses, and it'll show up on the website instantly. Adding Disqus as we speak, and purchasing the domain right now.

  377. Thanks for the post Ryan and good move on using a Wootheme to style Think Vitamin.

    Can I make one tiny request regarding the design? Would it be possible to slightly increase the line height of the comments? Seems a bit cramped.

    Besides that, awesome!

  378. Thanks for the post Ryan and good move on using a Wootheme to style Think Vitamin.Can I make one tiny request regarding the design? Would it be possible to slightly increase the line height of the comments? Seems a bit cramped.Besides that, awesome!

  379. Ankit Bathija on January 24, 2009 at 6:17 am said:

    Great technique

  380. Wayne John, will you share Your project when it is ready. I think everybody here will be curious to see it working.
    Greetings from Bulgaria!
    Keep hard working guys!

  381. Wayne John, will you share Your project when it is ready. I think everybody here will be curious to see it working.Greetings from Bulgaria!Keep hard working guys!

  382. very good and interesting

  383. Hi,
    This is really good idea.
    It is really helpful to all. Thanks for sharing…

  384. Hi,This is really good idea.It is really helpful to all. Thanks for sharing…

  385. Awesome I……….will surely try this at home!!!!!!!!

  386. Considering this site is already running off of wordpress, a seperate news category and sidebar displaying it would not have been hard to setup. And at least that way, you would own your data rather than relying on twitter to store it. You could also have used quickpress on the dashboard to enter news and have more flexibility with posting.

    Other suggestions would include using a shorter hashtag to allow for more content in the tweets, #tv for example. You could also hide the hashtag on the site.

  387. Considering this site is already running off of wordpress, a seperate news category and sidebar displaying it would not have been hard to setup. And at least that way, you would own your data rather than relying on twitter to store it. You could also have used quickpress on the dashboard to enter news and have more flexibility with posting.Other suggestions would include using a shorter hashtag to allow for more content in the tweets, #tv for example. You could also hide the hashtag on the site.

  388. Cool idea! You can also accomplish the reverse, i..e posting from a website without RSS to Twitter, using Feedity – http://feedity.com – More info @ http://labs.feedity.com/items/Post_website_news

  389. interesting idea, i like it alot.

  390. Cool article, something I'll definitely look into adding to my app (http://www.goodbaad.com).

    I'm currently using twitter to give people a hook into my web app who might not be interested in participating, but may still find it interesting.

    Also it should hopefully act as a reminder to return to the site more often: http://www.twitter.com/worldometer

  391. Cool article, something I'll definitely look into adding to my app (http://www.goodbaad.com).I'm currently using twitter to give people a hook into my web app who might not be interested in participating, but may still find it interesting.Also it should hopefully act as a reminder to return to the site more often: http://www.twitter.com/worldometer

  392. ryancarson on January 21, 2009 at 12:37 am said:

    Great idea John – cheers.

  393. This is a nice idea, good post Ryan. One different take on the idea – if you happen to have a wordpress blog already, and would like to tweet shared links, wisdom, etc to it, you could create the ATOM feed (as suggested above) and syndicate it into your blog via the FeedWordPress plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/feedwordpress/). Makes for an easy way to pull in several contributors to your blog, or aggregate your tweets.

  394. kiraslye on January 20, 2009 at 8:39 pm said:

    This is such a cool idea. You guys are such creative thinkers:)

  395. ne'rmind, i got it working i think

  396. ne'rmind, i got it working i think

  397. didn't work for me, i don't think wordpress likes it, i have a self-hosted wordpress front page set up

  398. didn't work for me, i don't think wordpress likes it, i have a self-hosted wordpress front page set up

  399. Interesting idea, very much worth looking into. I noticed the hash-tag is included in the feed, somewhat to the detriment of the appearance. Is there any way to remove it pre-display?

  400. I'm working on something similar to this, but different enough to be unique. Will share it when it's complete and working as intended. I also have plans on marketing it for sale to interested parties. Great information though. It took me a while to understand the alternate uses of rss, but now that I get it, I have a completely different perspective on things.

  401. I'm working on something similar to this, but different enough to be unique. Will share it when it's complete and working as intended. I also have plans on marketing it for sale to interested parties. Great information though. It took me a while to understand the alternate uses of rss, but now that I get it, I have a completely different perspective on things.

  402. Very clever… I particularly like the way you've used hashtags as a filter. I've not seen much of a practical use for them before this. I wonder if it would be worth using a URL shortener and Google URL builder to create links that track as a campaign.

  403. Very clever… I particularly like the way you've used hashtags as a filter. I've not seen much of a practical use for them before this. I wonder if it would be worth using a URL shortener and Google URL builder to create links that track as a campaign.

  404. ryancarson on January 20, 2009 at 3:26 pm said:

    Thanks Eric! Glad you found it useful.

  405. Cool idea, though it would be nice to also have a filtering system like 37signals does on their new Highrise page-

  406. ericdfields on January 20, 2009 at 3:10 pm said:

    This so simple and awesome its painful. I love the concept of using free web services to “broadcast” while simultaneously having the ability to channel the content to another source or service transparently. Cheers.

  407. i like it, very inventive. will certainly be looking at using this for some of site we are running. thanks. dt

  408. Good stuff Ryan. Might give this a whirl.

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