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Find (and Keep) Your Motivation to Code


So you’ve decided that you want to learn code.

You’ve signed up for Treehouse and understand who does what in the tech industry. You’re confident and ready to begin your quest into the unknown.

It’s true, learning to code can be an exciting venture. Not only are you learning a new language, but you’re discovering how technology works. Soon, you’ll be building your own websites and applications, and the sky is the limit.

But what happens when the initial excitement wears off? Don’t get me wrong, coding is exciting but there will be challenges — how do you deal with these problems and stay motivated to continue learning?

Start learning to code today with Treehouse.

1. Connect with the culture

One way to stay motivated is to be around others who are. Reading articles from well-known developers is a great way to learn new tricks, and avoid rookie mistakes.

If you’re taking a course on Treehouse, you can follow your instructors on Twitter or find articles they’ve written on the web. Why not follow them on Twitter and see what they’re up to?

A lack of motivation doesn’t make you a bad person, you may just need to be inspired. Chris Coyier and Hampton Catlin are two popular developers who are active in the tech community.

Another way to connect with the culture is to be active in the Treehouse community. You can ask questions or help other students with their struggles in learning code. Connecting with other developers can be both encouraging and rewarding.

Read books that inspire you and help you to think like a developer. Critical thinking skills are imperative when coding because you never know what problems may come up. This is why having a solid foundation is important.

There are tons or resources out there, but here are a few books I recommend:

Read books that inspire you and help you to think like a developer. Critical thinking skills are imperative when coding because you never know what problems may come up.

2. Celebrate each win — even the small ones

There’s never a win too small to celebrate when you’re learning to code. I remember learning from Treehouse how to create a Random Number Game with Javascript. It was a huge accomplishment to me, and I celebrated by showing everyone I knew.

Don’t hold back from sharing your accomplishments with others.

A great place to share your success and be inspired is CodePen is a coding playground for front end developers. If you’re just learning the ropes and want to test your code this is a great place to do it.

You can create your own pens, collections, and view the work of others if you need extra motivation. Why not create a pen with your newfound skills and see how many likes you generate? This is just one of the many ways you can share your code with others.

Contributing to an open source project is another great way to get experience and have find success.

It’s true, coding can be difficult starting out, especially if your background isn’t technical. But celebrating wins (even the small ones) will build your confidence to continue learning.

This will give you the motivation needed to keep going when you face challenges that make you question if learning code is worth the effort. Remember, there’s always a benefit as long as you remain consistent and motivated.

[Tweet “”There’s never a win too small to celebrate when you’re learning to code.” – Ashley Harpp”]

3. Set Realistic Goals

While learning to code has many advantages, it can be overwhelming. If you’re new to the tech world, you may wonder:

“Where do I start?”

“How much time do I need to dedicate to this?”

“I have a family, is it possible to learn code in my situation?”

Those are all valid questions. If you give your circumstances an honest evaluation, you can set realistic goals that you’ll be happy with. Let’s be honest, there are a lot of coding languages, and it’s difficult to know where to start. Treehouse gives you a solid foundation by helping you decide just that.

Finally, consider the following when setting your goals:

There will be challenges along the way, but there’s always a benefit. Stay motivated by connecting with the culture, celebrating wins, and setting realistic goals.

Anyone can be a developer. Challenge yourself to prove it with the Techdegree Program.

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