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Don’t Let These Tech Industry Myths Hold You Back

Have you considered a career in tech, but read or heard something that’s held you back? Maybe you don’t think you fit the stereotype for a developer. Or you don’t have the education or experience to land a tech job. Or maybe you think the right opportunities won’t be available to you in your city. Well here are a few myths about starting a new career in tech that we’d like to set straight.

Myth 1: A web developer is a 20 something, anti-social computer hacker

Decades of pop culture and preconceptions created stereotypes for the “typical developer.” Neo in the Matrix might come to mind.

Image via Wikia

This stereotype can in part be traced back to the tech industry’s polarizing marketing towards young males in the early 1980s. Studies showed that young white males were heavier users of the internet. These findings then affected marketing and ownership for personal computers, which in turn heavily impacted the students who enrolled in Computer Science degrees and embarked on tech careers.

However, things have changed in the past few decades. Today, technology is integrated into everyone’s lives in more ways than ever before. 96% of young Americans use the internet, over 70% have their own computers, and 78% have an online social media profile. Tech and internet users are diverse, and so are the individuals who work in tech. The stereotype is being erased by a combined mission across the industry to encourage the rapid growth of diversification. You only have to look at the Forbes 2015 list of the most powerful women in tech to see the shifts taking place in the most recognisable names in the industry:

With the growth of online learning platforms, there has also been a shift in the way students can learn in-demand tech skills. Where in the past traditional 4-year Computer Science degrees were the only option, online learning has since proven itself as an accessible way for everyone to learn certain job-ready skills.

At Treehouse, we’re determined to break the stereotype for who should be a developer. Because we believe anyone can be a developer. You don’t need to be a certain gender, race, or age to build amazing things.

Myth 2: You need a 4-year degree and work experience on your resume to work in tech

You don’t need a Computer Science degree to be a developer. Provided you have the job-ready skills an employer is looking for, the enthusiasm to apply yourself and the determination to learn and grow in the role, you can land a position. Our students prove that every day with their stories of career change and success. Take Ashley from Michigan, one of our early Techdegree students for example. Ashley didn’t have a college degree or past coding experience, but with the portfolio of projects she build with the Front End Web Development Techdegree, Ashley was able to showcase her skills to her future employer. Today she’s a full time developer.

Myth 3: All developers work in the Silicon Valley

Another common assumption is that opportunities for developers today are only at Silicon Valley startups. In reality, there are over half a million unfulfilled tech jobs in the US alone That’s a high number and demand for developers and those positions are located across the country. This 2016 report from Robert Half recruiting breaks down the demand trends they’re seeing for tech across the country.

As a developer, when you’re job searching you can also think outside the box. With the tech-consumed world we live in, companies from every industry need developers. Do a quick country-wide job search and you’ll find dev positions at companies like AT&T,  Amazon and Or part of more traditional, large enterprises like pharmaceuticals, insurance, and finance. There’s also the alternative of independent small businesses in need of developers.

Of course, there’s always the appealing option of being your own boss. Freelancing as a developer is demanding, but rewarding. If you’re up for the challenge, you’ll have the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere and with clients across the world.

Myth 4: There’s only one type of web developer

The final misconception is that there’s only one type of developer, when in fact there’s a huge range of programming languages you can specialise in depending on your strengths and interests. Each career path varies in the types of projects you work on, the teams you work with and the types of employers you work for.

Hopefully we’ve set the record straight on these 4 myths, but are there others you’d add to the list? If so, share them below!

Enroll in the Treehouse Techdegree Program today to learn job-ready skills and start a career as a developer.

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