Treehouse NewsWhat’s New on the Blog


Faye Bridge
writes on June 26, 2017

Each week we publish new content for you here on the blog. From free tutorials and helpful coding tips to student success stories and tech industry news and insights, the Treehouse team is here to give you a weekly dose of web design and development resources. Be sure to check back in weekly, follow us on Twitter and Facebook, or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with what’s new on the Treehouse blog. Here’s what you missed last week.

Why Developers Should Focus on Accessibility

As technology has evolved, it has also been adopted by a wider audience. This shift in tech has been enabled by one key factor: Accessibility. As a developer, it’s your responsibility to strip away the intimidation of technology for those who are new to it and enhance their lives in ways they haven’t imagined yet. Read more.

Full-time Athlete and Freelance Developer: Elliott Davidson’s Story

We shared a unique student story on the blog last week. Meet Elliott Davidson, a full-time canoe slalom athlete who funds his sports career by working as a freelance web designer and developer in his free time. Read more.


Elliott Davidson

Understanding Team Goals for Internal Training Programs

There are two integral parts to any significant change within an organization or when a new program is being implemented: gaining buy-in from team members and developing internal change champions. You can offer the best training in the world, but if learners aren’t “buying in”, your training programs could be deemed ineffective due to lackluster use. Let’s talk about how to avoid that. Read more.

New & Upcoming Course Highlights: Introducing Text Editors & Express Basics

We released some fantastic content last week in the Treehouse Library, including a refresh of Express Basics taught by Andrew Chalkley and Joel Kraft, and a really helpful workshop with Treasure Porth called Introducing Text Editors. Learn more.

Start learning to code today with your free trial on Treehouse.

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